
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 9/20/18

~Happy 18th Anniversary to the Hubby and me!  Monday was 18 years since we said our vows.  We didn't do anything special to celebrate.  We had dinner with the family, made a quick trip to Wal-Mart and did homework.  But the Hubby took the day off work and we spent the whole day together.  Wasn't that sweet?  It was a very good day!

~Laken finally got to cheer at her first Flag Football Game on Saturday!  The rain held off for a while and she had so much fun.  We always enjoy watching her cheer and it was interesting to watch my first ever Flag Football Game.  Laken also had a Pep Rally at school and got to watch the 7th and 8th grade Cheerleaders do a dance routine and cheer.  She is more in love with Cheering than ever and can't wait until  next year to be on the official school squad!

~The new Fall shows start next week!  There are so many new shows that I want to set up to DVR so that I don't miss any.  I'm also looking forward to watching some of the older shows that I love.  Speaking of TV, did anyone catch the Pittsburgh VS Kansas City Football game last Sunday?  I hope things start looking up soon!

~I wrote my 3000th blog post!  I've been blogging for 9 years and have written over 3000 posts.  Thanks for tagging along!

~Kaylee's is writing a new blog to journal through her Gap Year.  I'd love for you to check it out and give her a follow :)  Kay's Gap Year

~Finally, I need some advice!  For my long-time followers, you might remember that we built an addition with a Family Room and a Master Bedroom.  When we were painting the walls, I just wanted it done and we painted everything white with chocolate brown trim.  Now I'm thinking I want to paint our Bedroom an actual COLOR!  I'm debating between a pale yellow, a calm/cool/fresh gray or maybe something entirely different.  Any suggestions?

Image result for paint chips

What are you thankful for today?


  1. So glad the cheering is going well. Happy anniversary. I would go for cool colour to relax in.

    & happy bloggaversery! That's great - you dont see a lot of people who stick around for that long. I've been doing it over 11 years & feel like a dinosaur in the blogging world :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! We painted our daughter's room a cool gray and it turned out so nice. I would recommend it. Thanks for linking up today.

  4. Hi!! I was looking for your FFF....i c.icked on the link you put on Susanne's site but it led me here.

  5. Happy anniversary! Ours is in December, and we don't usually do a lot besides go out to eat, but it's nice to have that quiet spot together in the middle of a busy season. I'll have to check how many posts I've made in 12 years of blogging. I'm glad your daughter got to cheer! I am looking forward to the fall TV season, too. I prefer cool colors, so I'd lean toward the grey. But then grey can vary depending on whether it has warm or cool undertones. I am hoping to paint our kitchen cabinets a light grey some time.

  6. Happy Anniversary! God bless you both!

  7. Congrats on your blogging. 3,000 posts is something to be proud of. And 18 years married is something else to be quite proud of. Way to go!
    I will check out your daughter's blog.

    What Fall shows are you looking forward to? I am so far behind, I don't even know what's current. The last series I finished (about a month ago) was The Midsomer Murders.

    I've painted my walls turquoise, grey and a light brown - they latter two rooms both had white trim. I loved all rooms. I bet a pale yellow would be very cheery and pick up the sunlight very nicely.

    Have a great week.

  8. Happy 18th Anniversary! And Congrats on your 3000th post. Both are amazing accomplishments. Watching your daughter cheer sounds like fun.

  9. So much to be thankful for! 3000 posts! Wow! Congrats!
    And Happy Anniversary!
    Laken looks like she is thrilled to be cheering.


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