
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 9/13/18

~Kaylee's driving is going rather well.  We've been out about 4 times so far and add little more difficulty each time.  We even let her drive on the highway!  We haven't let her drive in the rain or in the dark yet.  I think she needs some more practice steering before we go there.  Keep us in your prayers!  It is a bit nerve wracking to be sitting in the passenger seat while my DAUGHTER is in the driver's seat.  How did I get so old?

~We've had so much rain lately!  I know many people are experiencing flooding and am very thankful to live on a hill!  My brother and SIL live right along a creek in our old house so I'm still watching the water level.  We're supposed to get more rain from the current hurricane but hopefully water levels will have gone down a bit to accommodate even more to come.

~Sunday was the official start of the American Football Season.  My Steelers played the Cleveland Browns and ended up with a tie!  A tie!!  I really enjoyed watching the game though.  Mostly because the hubby and I snuggled up on the couch with an afghan and spent the whole 3 hours together with no interruptions.  It was a nice Sunday afternoon :)

~A few weeks ago, I had to take Laken to the pediatrician for a sore throat and a swollen gland.  She tested positive for Strep Throat and was put on an antibiotic.  Everything seemed to be resolving until she started complaining about a sore throat again.  I called the pediatrician and they wanted to retest for Strep to make sure that the original antibiotic took care of the infection.  Thankfully, the Strep test came back negative.  She does have a cold though.  It seems like as soon as they go back to school, the sicknesses start.  Lovely germs...

~I started a new blog to focus solely on my Weight Loss Journey.  I titled the blog "Colletta Is Losing It!"  Which is exactly what I hope to do.  I'd love for you to come follow along on my Journey and maybe be an encourager for me as well :)

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Good luck on that weight loss journey. I need to get back in the game.
    Strep.. ugh... tis the season for all the yuckies to start. No fun!
    haha - that passenger seat IS a nerve wrecking place to be with your baby behind the wheel!

  2. That's awesome you love the Steelers too!! I am a Pittsburgh girl born and raised!! Do you live or have you lived in Pittsburgh?!?! Congrats on the Weight Loss blog!! I need to definitely join you there~~~ I am now following you - you can follow back if you wish at Annster's Domain

  3. Kinda scary to think our children are old enough to drive .....and then what??!!
    Super thoughts on the weight loss

  4. Lovely balanced reasons. Seems like a desire to shed weight is becoming a bit of a theme for Reasons to be Cheerful this week. I would be a nervous wreck if my children got behind a driver's wheel but I guess that time will be here soon as my son is so keen to learn. I love the idea of those relaxing snuggles too #R2BC

  5. I teach at a Primary School and germs are rampant! We have already had a case of the flu. *sigh* Such is life with children. Thanks for linking up today and have a great weekend.

  6. Glad things are going well with your daughters driving! We had one of our granddaughters for a few days because she was unable to go to school. It hits here every year as soon as she goes back. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  7. Glad the driving is going well! Good luck with the weight loss and I agree boo to the back to school bugs.


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