
Friday, September 28, 2018

First Lines Friday And "56" ~ 9/28/18

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:


 It always surprised Zula Hopkins when her eyelids opened to another day.  She should be dead by now.
Page 56

With the Ns in FlyNN, her tongue catapulted the mint past her lips.  The tiny white cylinder arced through the air and landed on the detective's shoulder.
Also linking up to:


  1. I can't help but giggle at the 56. Sounds like a great read! I added you to the Linky. Happy weekend!

  2. Michelle Griep is one of my favorite Historical Fiction authors - I'll have to read this one! I’m sharing from an upcoming read, The Love Letter by Rachel Hauck, over on my blog today. Here are the first lines from the prologue, set during the American Revolution:

    “He must finish. He must. Stumbling, he fell to the damp earth of the maple swamp with the click-slap of musket fire ringing through the cold dew, his breath billowing.”

    Happy Friday!

  3. Happy Friday!
    Today on my blog, I am sharing the first line from Lynn Austin’s novel Legacy of Mercy. I just started the book today and I am only on chapter two, so I will share the first line from there.

    “I don’t know how to answer my son Jakob.”

    Makes me want to read on! 😊

    Hope you have an excellent day, and a relaxing weekend filled with great reading!

  4. Happy Friday! My first line is from A Time to Love by Marion Ueckermann:

    “You can do this. You’ve done it a thousand times before.”

  5. I’m featuring lines from Susan Stoker’s Justice for Hope on my blog today. Hope you can stop by!

    Here, I am featuring lines from Dare to Love Again by Maddie Taylor. Here is the first line of chapter 13.

    “Esme went to work the next day, determined to keep her mind focused on the million and one things she had to do rather than letting more sexy Finn daydreams distract her.”

    Happy Reading!

    Janine - The World Was Hers for the Reading

  6. THe 56 teaser made me smile. Sounds like a fun read. See what book MK is featuring at Girl Who Reads

  7. haha! I don't know how that happened, it Pg56 was a funny one!

    Here's my Tuesday post - thanks for sharing!


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