
Friday, September 7, 2018

First Lines Friday & 56 ~ 9/7/18

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

 Saturday mornings were Stacy Broussard's escape, especially when life slapped her with stress.  No better way to unwind from the week than to ride her quarter horse on Houston's airport trail and enjoy nature.  This morning promised to be the perfect distraction from a truckload of problems, from the anniversary of the death of her sister to seeking custody of a twelve-year-old boy.  She looked forward to a lift in her spirit.
Page 56

"Look at it this way.  Your attorney can use it to our advantage.  The judge will think the parents can't be rehabilitated into the model mother and father."
Also linking up to:


  1. Makes the book sound interesting from the fact that she is riding a horse onto an airport trail.

  2. Sounds lovely, but it made me miss trail riding. Been a long time since I rode. :-)
    I added you to the Linky. Happy weekend!

  3. Haven't heard of this author. I am always on the hunt for a good story. My Friday Quotes

  4. Sounds good. I hope you are enjoying the story. This week I am spotlighting Burning Ridge by Margaret Mizushima. Happy reading!

  5. Happy Friday! My first line is from How to Make Victoria Sponge by Margaret Kazmierczak.

    “Monday, six-fifteen in the morning and the alarm wakes me up for a new day.”

  6. I’m featuring Michelle Griep’s new novella, A Tale of Two Hearts, on my blog today. Here is the second line:

    “Closing her eyes, she savored the warmth and the first line to a new adventure, as was her wont whenever Miss Whymsy stopped by and lent her a book."

    Happy Friday!

  7. Happy Friday!
    The Book I'm sharing on my blog this week is A Love Restored by Kelly Goshorn but I'm currently reading The Abolitionist's Daughter by Kathleen Maher so I'll share the first line of that here: "The wrong ideas could get a head--and a body--into a heap of trouble." Hope you have a great weekend with plenty of quality reading time! :)

  8. Looks like an interesting read from what I've seen! Pg 56 has me most curious!

    Here's my post for Friday. Hope you're enjoying your weekend! x


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