
Sunday, September 30, 2018

31 Day of Five Minute Free Writes ~ October 2018

I've been following along with the FiveMinuteFriday Community for quite some time but haven't pulled the trigger and joined in.

Basically, each week a prompt is given to write about for five minutes flat.  You then can link up your FMF post and read other posts written about the same word.  It is amazing the different takes that there are on the same word.

For the whole month of October, we've been challenged to write for five minutes a day, every day.  I can't promise to write every day.  I've tried and failed at challenges like this before but I'm hoping to at least join in on the days that I'm able.

The prompt glist is below:

Want to join in?  Go to or the facebook page.

Happy almost-October!


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