
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 8/9/18

This week I'm thankful for:
~Friday was Damon's 1st Birthday!  Steph and Cody had a party for him in the evening.  The theme was "Lumberjack" and everything was so stinkin' cute!  Here's one of my favorite pictures of the Birthday Boy.  He's such a ham :)

~After the gratification of organizing my bookshelves last week, I took some time to organize my desk area!  I went through the pile of papers sitting on the corner of my desk and the pile of papers piled in the other corner of my desk, etc, etc, etc.  It feels so nice to sit down at a neat, orderly desk to write and work :)

~It has been so hot here in PA the past few days!  I'm so thankful for the AC that keeps the bedroom and family room cool.  It is a nice respite :)

~Last week's passing out drama with Laken, I was expecting a calm week health-wise.  Think again!  Laken has a huge swollen gland on her neck.  I took her Tuesday morning to the walk-in hours at the pediatrician and, of course, she has strep throat!  The doc gave her some meds and she is perking up nicely :)

~Last year I boycotted the NFL for the disrespect being shown to our flag and the National Anthem.  I've decided to give them a pardon (in my own mind) and give them another shot.  (They better not blow it!)  If you've read my blog for long, you might know that I'm a Pittsburgh Steelers fan.  They play their first Pre-season Game tonight and I'm so excited!  I've had some major football withdrawals over the past year :)

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I am thankful that we are going to dinner with friends tonight. I am also that my grand doll is growing and progressing well in life. She is my world!!

  2. I always am so thankful for AC all summer long. UGH!!! Hot summer!

  3. I am a football fan. It's a shame there are always some that ruin the games for others. I think most of the players are respectful. Enjoy your evening!

  4. Your daughter is the second child I've learned of this week having strep throat. The other is our grandniece in Alabama...she had to miss the first day of school because of it. And yes, HOO-RAH!!!, for Steeler football!

  5. I agree with you about football. I hope you are able to watch ALL season! Thanks for linking up today!

  6. Lumberjack theme...I find theme parties fun.
    I'm thankful for the weight I lost this year.
    Coffee is on

  7. Cute birthday boy. I am thankful for great week.

  8. Aww that birthday boy is definitely cute. Hope your daughter is feeling better.

  9. Hello Coletta,
    HURRAY for AC! Yes, I am grateful for AC (and an air purifier), as well. It has been HOT here in CA.

    Decluttering/oraganizing really is gratifying. And working from a clean desk is refreshing and motivating. I need to get back to decluitering my home. So glad you got your desk all sorted.

    So glad that Laken is feeling better. Medication is such a marvel!

    Hope your Steelers did well. And I also hope they don't "blow it" again this year. While I don't watch football, I know many who do, and they also had withdrawal symptoms.Plus it doesn't feel good to "be around" folks who disrespect our flag and National Anthem.

    Have a refreshing week.

  10. What a cute little birthday boy! Hope your daughter is doing better - and no one else catches it. I would have a hard time without AC - I am so thankful for it.

  11. What a cute toddler....he looks older than 1!!

    Yay for central air. The last week was hot and humid here in eastern NY. But it's been a nice summer overall. Only in the last week have we had lots of rain. The last two days were drier air and cooler temps so we opened all the house windows! Feels good!

  12. I'm so thankful for ac too as we have hit record heat here in Southern Alberta in the past week! Glad your daughter now has the meds to get her better. My oldest used to go through bouts of strep throat all the time. Organizing does feel good. Why can't I get it to stay that way? LOL.

  13. Oh, what a cute ham he is! The lumberjack theme sounds so fun. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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