
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 7/19/18

This week I'm thankful for:

~We had a Family Movie Night at the theater on Friday!  We went to see Hotel Transylvania 3.  I enjoyed it but I think my favorite Hotel Transylvania is a close tie between 1 and 2.  It did have some really funny parts though :)

Image result for hotel transvlvania 3

~The hubby's vacation is over but we had a good time!  He went back to work bright and early Monday morning.  I think he was ready for a break from us.  lol

 ~We found MORE kittens!  The mother had them out behind the shed but they are big enough that we could hear them meowing.  We now have 7 kittens.  We've already found good homes for 3 of them and the girls have each claimed one.  Here's a picture of one of the little girls, dubbed Lacie sprawled out sleeping on one of the porch chairs.  Isn't that little belly so cute!?!:

~I'm back to watching my cousin's baby, Damon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday!  I also have his older brother, Dex, for the summer until school starts back up.  I love them so!  They are so much fun to spend time with :)

~I love watching my oldest baby girl do what she loves!  We got her a stand-up easel and she has been painting away.  It is good to see her actively pursuing something that interests her.  I'll make sure to show you the finished product when she completes it :)

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I need to take my nieces to see that movie - we've gone to see the first 2 together.
    You should totally link this up with my post & all the other Thankful Thursday posts :)

  2. I haven't seen any of those movies. I need to check Netflix and see if they have any of them there. So cool your daughter is painting and you are encouraging her. My oldest paints too. Hope you have a great day! I

  3. We have kittens too - so very cute and adorable. You reminded me how much I want an easel for my daughter so thanks for that. Great reasons to be thankful and looks like you have an awesome balanced life #R2BC

  4. Sounds like a great life! The kiddos are cute, and I love baby kitties. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. Loads of great reasons for being thankful and what a lovely cousin you are babysitting all summer. Mich x #R2BC

  6. Lovely things to be thankful for.

  7. I haven't seen any of those movies - they sound like fun! The boys are such cuties. It's neat that your daughter has this outlet for her art interests.

  8. It sounds like you are having a nice summer so far. Your daughter looks very creative.

  9. You are obviously enjoying summer :)
    I know that your cousin also appreciates your willingness to watch her boys.
    It's good to see your daughter following her creative interests and talents.


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