
Friday, July 6, 2018

First Lines Friday ~ 7/6/18

Today's "First Lines" are from:

August 1912
Lochaber, Highlands, Scotland

She could have been more than she was.  Rowena dug her toes into the cold sand, wrapped her wool-clad arms around her tweed-clad knees, and stared out into the clear, fathomless waters of Loch Morar.  Here, land gave way gently to loch.  Not so a mile northward, where the crags tumbled down into water too deep to plumb.  Deep and cold and wind-wracked.


P.S.  I hope you will come link up your book reviews on the very first ever Book Club Tuesday at Colletta's Kitchen Sink!

Also linking up to:


  1. Wonderful series by Roseanna White!

    My first line comes from The Atomic City Girls by Janet Beard

    November 1942

    The news that June's grandfather was being evicted had come from her older sister Mary, who worked in town at Langham's Drug Store.

    1. I'm enjoying it greatly! I'll be by to visit :)

  2. I'm not sure if it is something I would read, but I do like the opening lines.

    1. The next few paragraph's were even more intriguing!

  3. Love this series!!!

    I'll share a first line from a book I hope to start reading very soon.

    "Two construction workers carried in the orange ladder splatted with dried paint blotches and old drywall mud."

    From The House at Saltwater Point by Colleen Coble

    Happy Friday! :)

  4. Such a great book (and series)!

    My current read is The Truth Between Us by Tammy L. Gray:

    Nine months, twenty-seven days, and four hours.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm enjoying it! I hope you enjoy your reading weekend :)

  5. I shared the first few lines of Rosie Walsh's debut "Ghosted" on my blog, but I'm going to share an old favorite here.

    "The fans scream for her, but they don't really know the girl on the magazine covers - the girl with the guitar and the easy smile. Her given name is Delilah, and they think she goes by Lilah. But anyone who really knows my best friend calls her Dee."

    That line comes from Emery Lord's "Open Road Summer". It's a light, fun and romantic read, perfect for, well, summer. Haha!

    Hope you enjoyed it. Happy Friday! :D

    1. Thanks for stopping by! That sounds like an interesting book :)

  6. Happy Friday!

    LOVED this book!

    I’m reading Newlywed Games by Mary Davis right now, so here’s the first line: “Bruce Halloway had looked up with a start when he heard the ruckus outside his office window.”

    Hallie @ Book by Book

  7. Happy Friday!😎

    My first lines come from Loving Grace by April Smith.

    I’M LATE. THE PHONE IS already ringing off the wall by the time I make it to my desk. I toss my keys and bag to the side, not really bothering with where they land. I’ll get them later. I grab the phone and snag the corner of the desk with my hip. That’s going to leave a mark.

    Have an awesome weekend and happy reading!😊

    1. Ouch! I felt the bruise as I read the exerpt! lol

  8. Happy Friday! My first line is from This Freedom Journey by Misty M. Beller:

    "This journey I take seems foolish to others, yet I can't help the yearning that fuels me. ~ Adrien's Journal"

  9. I am absolutely in love with the whole of Scotland, but the Highlands are especially beautiful.

  10. That sounds fabulous - I haven't read a historical in a long time.

    I’m featuring lines from Danielle Norman’s upcoming release “Stetson” on my blog.

    Here I’m sharing lines from Susan Stoker’s “Shelter for Blythe.”

    “That her?” Sawyer “Squirrel” McClay turned to look at his friend and fellow firefighter, Penelope. She was sitting on one of the couches in the fire station with her pet miniature donkey, Smokey, beside her.

  11. I’m sharing from Hurricane Season by Lauren K. Denton on my blog today, so here is the first line from chapter 2:

    “The babysitter was late, Addie and Walsh were flying around the house in superhero capes yelling the Batman theme song–“Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-Batman!”–and Jenna had just poured a mug of coffee when Walsh bumped into her from behind, spilling hot liquid down the front of her black Full Cup Coffee T-shirt.”

    Happy Friday!

  12. I love Roseanna White's stories!

    I'm sharing from The Forgiving Hour by Robin Lee Hatcher on the blog today. Not that I managed to stop with the first line—I've now finished it!

    Here's another great line, from Chapter Thirty. This is one I've been learning the truth of in the last year, attending my church prayer meeting with ladies three or four decades older than me:

    Being a Christian isn't a destination; it's a lifelong journey. There's always something new to learn along the way, always something fresh to be revealed.

  13. Happy Friday! I love regency romances also. That's a beautiful cover. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. They are my very favorite :) Have a great weekend, also!

  14. Replies
    1. I'm loving it too! I still need to find the third book of the series though...

  15. I loved this book, and the series.

    This week for FLF, I am showcasing Roseanna M. White's novel Whispers From the Shadows. Here, I will post the first line from chapter 2 in the book I'm just starting today, The Hope of Azure Springs by Rachel Fordham.

    "Em, you look so improved."

    Kind of sounds insulting...I'll have to read on and find out the context. πŸ˜‰

    Hope you're having a blessed weekend with lots of fun reading time. 😊

    1. How fun that we're both reading a novel by White!

  16. I have this book waiting for me! I loved the others in the series. Happy reading!

  17. The book I shared on my blog is The Hidden Side by Heidi Chiavaroli, but I'm currently reading Things I Never Told You by Beth K Vogt so I'll share that first line here: "The what-ifs taunted me every time I visited my parents, but any hope of beginning again had vanished years ago--if there'd ever been one. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I love Beth K Vogt! I'll have to put this on my wishlist :)

  18. I just love reading Roseanna's books! :)


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