
Thursday, July 19, 2018

First Lines Friday ~ 7/20/18

Today's "First Lines" are from:

Bath, England, 1816
It was the oak tree that distracted me.  I happened to glance up as I walked beneath its full, green canopy.  The wind was tossing its leaves so that they twirled upon their stems, and at the sight I was struck by the realization that it had been much too long since I had twirled.

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  1. Happy Friday!😎

    My First Lines come from If Ever I Would Leave You by Susan May Warren.......

    “Watching you die is the last thing I want to do on a Saturday morning.” Sierra said it in a low mutter, nearly under her breath, but Ian heard it anyway, a slash across his chest, right between the ribs.

    Have a great weekend, stay cool, and Happy Reading!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–πŸ“š

    1. I love Susan May Warren but haven't read this one yet!

  2. Happy Friday! My first line is from Susan May Warren's book "The Heat is On".

    "Skye Doyle was going to get everyone killed."

  3. Happy Friday! My first line comes from Dreaming Spies by Laurie R. King....

    "It's a rock, Holmes"

  4. Sweet beginning. My first line is from The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall. “To put it as simply as possible: this is the story of a polygamist who has an affair.”

  5. Happy Friday!

    Today on my blog, I'm sharing the first line from Woman of Clay by Linda Caddick. I'm currently on chapter 11, so I will share the first line from this chapter.

    "Spring burst almost overnight in a full palette of brilliant colour, transforming the world into one which barely resembled the one Shana had inhabited just a week or two before."

    Hope you have an excellent weekend filled with great reading time! 😁❤πŸ“š

  6. I don't usually like it when a book starts with descriptive writing, but this one was done perfectly. I love it! On my blog, I’m featuring The Purchased Bride by Kit Morgan. Here, I will share the first line from Chapter Four of that novel. “Herman Mayer wasn’t the brightest or the nicest man around, and he knew it.” Wishing you a great Friday!

  7. I have this book! And I confess, I bought it because of the cover. :) Happy Friday!

    1. The cover is beautiful and I am enjoying the story within as well!

  8. Happy Friday :)

    I've been meaning to read Edenbrooke, but it keeps getting bumped down on my TBR list. The opening line hooks me as a reader and I want to read more. I also love the cover.

    This week's FLF is Jen Turano's A Match of Wits. I'm also reading Roseanna M. White's Circle of Spies from the Culper Ring Series:

    "Marietta Hughes was the worst widow in the history of mourning."

    Hope you have a nice weekend :)

  9. I'm sharing about "Trials of the Mighty" by Kenyon T. Henry on the blog today, but I'm currently reading "Unafraid" by Carey Scott. I'll share the first line of chapter two.

    Authentic living. What does it even mean?

    Have a great weekend and happy reading!

  10. This has been on my TBR list for WAY too long....But I have been putting it off so I can savor!

  11. That's a beautiful cover, and an even more beautiful first line. Thanks for sharing!

    I’m sharing from Open Circle by Stacy Monson on my blog.

    But Then There Was You by Kara Issac has just won the 2018 RITA Award for Romance with Religious or Spiritual Elements from Romance Writers of America, so I’m going to share the first line to celebrate Kara’s win:

    Paige McAlister didn’t think think it was possible, but there was something worse than being single and thirty at your nineteen-year-old sister’s wedding.

  12. Oh, I like that opening! I’m sharing from A Rebel Heart by Beth White on my blog today, here’s the first line of Chapter 2:

    “Spyglass pressed to his good eye, Daughtry crouched behind a tree at the edge of the creek running through Buckner’s Ravine.”

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. It's a beauty of a cover. The opening has me more than curious! I'm late posting today. Here it is: x

  14. I think it has been too long since I twirled too. See what I'm featuring at Girl Who Reads


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