
Thursday, July 12, 2018

First Lines Friday ~ 7/13/18

Today's "First Lines" are from:

From its lofty place above the sparkling crescent Bay of Napoli, Vesuvius loomed over the surrounding towns, pressure building beneath its grassy slopes

Also linking up to:


  1. That's a great opening line. I like the look of the cover too. Happy reading. I'm featuring The Paris Secret by Karen Swan this week.

    1. I can't wait to dig in! I'll be by to visit soon :)

  2. Great opening, preparing for the disaster to come.

  3. I would love to sit down and read a simple but exciting novel about Pompeii. I've only read bits and pieces of information about the place. Those first lines really are good ones.

  4. I shared the first few lines (and then some) of one of my old favorites Open Road Summer by Emery Lord on my blog. But let me share the first line of the book I'm currently reading, Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win by Jo Piazza, on here instead.

    "Tell people one true thing before you tell them a lie. Then it will be easier for them to believe the lie."

    Happy reading! And happy Friday to you! :D

  5. Interesting choice of setting for a historical fiction. I like the subtle puff of smoke off in the distance in the cover art.

  6. I love the image of that looming Vesuvius. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE OTHER WIFE”

  7. Happy Friday!

    Today on my blog, I'm sharing the first line from Melanie Dickerson's novel, The Orphan's Wish. I just started it and I'm loving it so much!

    Here, I will share the first line from chapter 8 (that's where I'm at currently).

    "Aladdin followed Herr Kaufmann around for the first week."

    Hope you have a great weekend full of fun reading!!! ❤📚

  8. I visited Pompeii a few years ago. It would be fun to read this book then go back so one could picture everything. My Frida Quotes - The Prince and the Dressmaker

  9. Happy Friday! The book I'm featuring on my blog is "My Sister's Intended" by Rachael Anderson. It's been on my TBR list for quite some time now, but I finally read it and am so glad I did. Truly an enjoyable read. I will share the first line from Chapter Eleven here. ""Would you care to go for a stroll with me in the gardens, Miss Gifford?" Brand asked, not sure whether or not he wanted her to accept."

    1. This line made me chuckle! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Happy Friday!

    Ominous start (as would be expected)!

    I’m reading The Dear Reader by Mary O'Connell right now, so here’s the first line: “Miss Sweeney disappeared on the first day of March, an icy Thursday morning of gloves and boots and veneers of diamondy frost on the windows of Sacred Heart High School.”

    Hallie @ Book by Book

    1. Your line is ominous as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Disaster imminent! Yikes. What a compelling opening line.

    Today, I'm sharing the first line from a book recommended by my daughter: Matched by Ally Condie. "Now that I’ve found the way to fly, which direction should I go into the night?" I don't think I'm going to read that one, but she sure liked it :)

    Happy reading!

    1. Funny how our tastes differ from our children!

  12. Happy Friday! My first line is from La Risposta: The Answer (A Tuscan Legacy book 9) by Autumn Macarthur:

    Prologue: “Instead of returning to her vegetable garden, Teresa Pellegrini rushed into the farmhouse.”

  13. Looks intriguing!

    I'm sharing the first line of "If I Live" on my blog today. I'll share the first line of chapter five here: "My alternate burner phone rings as I stare at my evidence board."

  14. Oo just added this one to my TBR! Thanks for sharing!
    The book I shared on my blog this week is Her Place in Time by Stephenia H McGee but my next book is going to be The Baker's secret by Stephen P Kiernan so I'll share that first line here: "All through those years of war, the bread tasted of humiliation." Hope you have happy weekend with plenty of reading! :)

    1. That line is very powerful. I wonder what it means...

  15. I'm sharing from a book that will be out early next month (I won an uncorrected proof on GoodReads) on my blog today, The Daisy Children by Sofia Grant, so here is the second line:

    "It wasn't the fault of the trousers, of course, but it was tempting to blame them nonetheless."

    Happy Reading!

  16. I don't think I've read a book set in Pompeii before - I might have to change that. Thanks for sharing!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  17. I visited Pompeii around ten years ago (although I doubt it's changed!). It's an amazing place, and I'd love to read a novel set in the living city.

    I'm sharing the first line from More than Meets the Eye by Karen Witemeyer on my blog. I'm a big Karen Witemeyer fan, and this did not disappoint.

    1. That does sound amazing! I'll be by to visit soon :)

  18. What an intriguing cover! Have a great week :)

  19. I never read anything set in Pompeii, hope you are enjoying this one.

    Here's my pick --

  20. Gorgeous book cover! I do hope you enjoy it :) Here is my Teaser for Tuesday. Have a great day!

    Luv, Sassy x


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