
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Book Review ~ The Reluctant Duchess by Roseanna M. White



 Will Fleeing the Scottish Highlands Only Leave Her in More Danger?

Lady Rowena Kinnaird may be the heiress to a Highland earldom, but she's never felt good enough--not for her father, not for the man she thought she'd marry, not for God. But after a shocking attack, she's willing to be forever an outcast if it means escaping those threatening her life.

Brice Myerston, the Duke of Nottingham, has never been one to shy away from manor-born ladies, yet the last thing he needs is the distraction of the newly introduced Lady Rowena. He has enough on his plate having recently come into possession of a rare treasure for which many would kill, yet those around him seem intent on pairing him with this desperate but beguiling girl.

Rowena is reluctant to marry this notorious flirt. And when she learns that Brice is mixed up in some kind of questionable business with a stolen treasure, she fears she'll end up in more danger than she fled.

My Thoughts:
This is the second book of the "Ladies of the Manor" series.  I loved the first book, "The Lost Heiress" so much that I went straight into reading this one.
I love reading stories set in Scotland and England.  "The Reluctant Duchess" starts out in the Scottish Highlands and ends up in Brighton, England with many stops along the way.
I was very curious what would happen with the red diamonds, the "Fire Eyes".  I won't give too much away but I will say that Lady Pratt is still after them.  There was also a another closer enemy that really took me by surprise.
Amidst the mystery and intrigue was the romance between Rowena and Brice.  It most definitely was a reluctant match but I loved how Brice was so completely trusting in his faith that the marriage was the right thing to do.
This book took me a while to read because I wanted to find time to read it when I could fully devote my attention to the book and really sink in.  No quick chapters for me on this one.
I hope to get my hands on Book 3 of the series and read Ella's story soon!



  1. Now I want to read this book,:-) love it!

  2. I'm going to see if my library has this right now. :) Love books like this - thanks for sharing.


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