
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Work In Progress & Finish Off ~ 6/13/18

I did it!

I finished "Ashley's Afghan" with 2 and 1/2 weeks to spare until the Bridal Shower!  Big sigh of relief over here!

Here is where I was on my last Work In Progress post.

I was so close, yet so far away from being done with the border and not at all sure that I was liking it.

Now, here is the finished product (don't mind the messy pillows in the background :) :

And here are some close ups of the finished border:

The cream edging really pulled it all together and I LIKE IT! 

Again, big sigh of RELIEF!   :) :)

On to the next project!

What are you working on?



  1. Looks beautiful. I like the big picture best, and you can see how much work you have put into it.


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