
Friday, June 8, 2018

Tea Time ~ Summer Vacation and 50th Birthdays ~ 6/8/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~First week of Summer Vacation!!!  Whoohooo!!!  It was so exciting NOT to have to get up early and get the girls off to school on Monday morning.  I still want to stay in the habit of getting up fairly early and heading out for a walk before it gets too hot.  So far, so good :)

~Last week I told you how we had three little kittens.  Well, now we have eight little kittens.  Our other mama cat had five little ones.  The two mamas have decided to co-parent the kittens and put them all together.  So cute!

~I made Laken a chart of jobs to do each day BEFORE she's allowed to get on electronics.  The jobs are things like:  get a shower, read, and practice her flute.  We set it up so that she could mark each day off with a dry erase marker.  For the first week, she's been doing very well.  We'll see how long it lasts...

~Today, the girls and I made the trip to Delgrosso's Amusement Park to use our season passes.  We rode a few rides but when it was time to head to the Water Park, we just weren't feeling it.  It has been so cold the past few days that we knew the water would be freezing.  Instead we went shopping BECAUSE...

~Tomorrow is The Hubby's 50th Birthday!  He's very laid back about birthdays and doesn't think it is a big deal.  I, however, think it is a big deal and want to celebrate!  Who is with me??

How was your week?



  1. Ahh summer breaks. Our schools haven't finished yet but fortunately it makes no difference to me now mine are all grown up and I've stopped working. I hope you have a great day celebrating your hubby's birthday. Eight kittens! Wow, good job there are two mums to look after them. I hope it will be easy to find homes for them.

    1. Thank you! We've already been looking for homes for when they are ready to leave their mamas and have a few spoken for. Have a great week!

  2. Oh, that's so cute about the kittens and their mamas! How fun to have 8 little kittens in your household.

    It sounds like you are off to a great start for summer. I miss the days of that big shift into summer times when all the kids were home.

    As for the birthday -- I say CELEBRATE!! Life's too short not to:)

  3. I love celebrations, too! Happy birthday to your hubby! The summer chart idea is a good one. I always loved not having to set the alarm during summer vacations, but I still liked getting up close to my regular time anyway. But those extra few minutes of sleep were wonderful.

    1. A little extra sleep is always good :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Happy Birthday to your hubby! Hope your celebrations went great. Yay for summer vacations. Good idea getting up early enough to get that walk in before it's hot. I get so out of routine on holidays and then it takes awhile to get back to it when I have to.

    1. That's why I'm trying to stay in the groove :)

  5. Happy Birthday to your hubby! Fifty is a big milestone and that's one to celebrate!
    I hope your girl keeps up with her chore list :)
    Good for you to walk in the mornings. I'm an afternoon/evening walker usually. I just love walking in the twilight :)

  6. Evenings are a busy time with family so morning just work better for me. Enjoy your walks :)


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