
Friday, June 29, 2018

Tea Time ~ A Cottage and a Bear ~ 6/29/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~We rented a cottage at Shawnee State Park for two nights in the beginning of the week!  It has been 2 long, busy years since we had camped and it felt glorious!

~We saw a bear!  A Big, Big, Big BEAR!  I was standing on the porch of the cottage and looked over to my left and there he was!  As big as could be!  The park ranger said that there have been a male, female and 2 cubs wondering around the park.  I think we saw the male :)  Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture :(

~Laken had her first Summer Reading Program day on Monday before we went to the cottage!  She loved it!  I was afraid she'd be shy but she jumped right in and even made a new friend that will be in her class when she changes schools in the Fall.  My plan all along ;)

~Damon is staying with us for a few days while my cousin Steph and the rest of her family go to Kings Dominion!  They dropped him off with us on Thursday morning and so far, so good!  He even slept all night for me :)

~My cousin's Fiancé is having a Bridal Shower Sunday afternoon!  You might have read about it before on my Work in Progress posts.  I have the gift, an afghan, completed.  I just need to wash it and throw it in the dryer.  I love showers :)

How was your week?



  1. How exciting to see the bear! And how fun to have that cute little guy with you for a night. It sure changes the atmosphere in a household, doesn't it? Your afghan is soooo pretty. Love the colors. I would like to make something similar for my granddaughters.

    1. Having a baby in the house again definitely was an atmosphere changer! lol Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Exciting and scary to see the bear so close! Nice that you finally got away to a cottage. That's my kind of camping! :D

  3. What a nice vacation! I would have been freaked out by the bear, but glad he only passed by. The afghan is cute. A baby definitely does change the atmosphere! So far we haven't had our grandson overnight, but we've had him for a few hours at a time.

    1. I can't wait to be a Grandma but it better be a few more years at least!


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