
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Book Review ~ From the Start by Melissa Tagg


Kate Walker used to believe in true love and happily ever after. While her own love life may have left her brokenhearted, it hasn't kept her from churning out made-for-TV romance movie screenplays...until a major career slump and a longing to do something meaningful send her running back to her hometown of Maple Valley.

Permanently sidelined by an injury, former NFL quarterback Colton Greene is temporarily hiding out in a friend's hometown to avoid the media and the reminders of all he's lost. Maple Valley seems like the perfect place to learn how to adjust to normal life. The only trouble is he's never really done normal before.

While Kate plays things safe and Colton is all about big risks and grand gestures, they both get what it's like to desperately need direction in life. An unexpected project gives them both a chance to jumpstart their new lives, but old wounds and new dreams are hard to ignore. Starting over wasn't part of the plan, but could it be the best thing that's ever happened to them?

My Thoughts:
It took me forever to finally get this book finished!  I've been so busy with life that it took me a while to find the time to dig in.
Finally, we went camping for 3 days and I had lots of time to read!
I always seem to enjoy reading books that are based around sports and this book featured football.  More specifically, a football player.  Well, ex-football player.
Football, writing, tornados, floods and romance made this a great read.
One weird thing about the book that I had to get used to was jumping forward in time.  At the end of each chapter, the timeline would go a whole day, week, or even month forward and continue the story from there.  It confused me the first few times and made me think that I had messed up my place in reading.  Like I had skipped something.  But then the author would explain what happened during the time that was missing.  Make sense???
After I finally had some time and got used to the writing style, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
I'm so excited that this is the first book of the Walker Family Series.  That means a whole new family to get to know and love.



  1. Sounds like good summer reading by the pool. Interesting concept to jump forward in time and then go back to explain. hmmmm... makes me want to check this one out!
    Thank you!

    1. It definitely was a bit different but enjoyable! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I've only read one book by this author so far, but I look forward to reading more.

    1. I look forward to reading more as well. I currently have the next book in the series on my shelf.

  3. Sounds like a book I would enjoy. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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