
Friday, May 18, 2018

Tea Time ~ Senior Trip and Middle School ~ 5/18/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~Kaylee and her Senior Class of 2018 arrived in Ft. Lauderdale safely!  Thank you for your prayers!  I was so anxious about her leaving but I must let her experience life and she needs to learn to stand on her own two feet.  Today they are taking an Everglades Tour.  It sounds like so much fun!  Wish I could go :)

~I signed Laken up for the Summer Reading Program at our local Library!  The program is called "Libraries Rock".  If the kids read 20 minutes a day during the Summer, they will be invited to a pool party.  She's excited and that makes me happy :)  While we were there we got a Library Card and I'm excited to explore the shelves for new books this Summer.

Image result for libraries rock

~We also signed up little Miss Laken for Flag Football Cheerleading!  She loves cheer and is very excited about this activity as well.  It won't start until late August after the Library Program is over.  I don't want to fill the Summer with too many things.  We like to lay back and enjoy the Summertime.

Image result for Cheerleading Graphics

~Mother's Day was such a nice day!  The family took me out to eat at Texas Roadhouse.  Yummy!  Then we went shopping for Kaylee's Graduation Dress (it has to be white) and Laken's 5th Grade Camp supplies.  5th Grade Camp was Monday and Tuesday and Laken had a blast!

~After much consideration and prayer, we have decided to transfer Laken to a new school next year.  She currently attends a Charter School and we have decided to transfer her to the School District's Middle School.  Wednesday we went to meet the guidance counselor and to take a tour.  I feel really good about this decision even though I will be sad to leave the Charter School behind.  Laken will be entering 6th grade and the Middle School is grades 6-8, so it will be a new school for all the 6th graders.  Laken seems to be excited about the change so I'm praying all will go well!

How was your week?

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