
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday Weigh-In ~ 4/28/18

I missed posting last week's weigh-in results so I want to get up-to-date with that before getting into this week's weigh-in.

At the 4/21/18 weigh-in, I had lost 0.8 lbs...  But that meant I had lost 5 lbs in two weeks!  I had to tell myself this so I would be disappointed too badly.

Now on to this week:

I lost another 0.8 lbs.

I was rather happy with this due to the fact that I ate pizza twice this week and ended up using all my daily points, weekly points and even some of my fitpoints!

I'm only 0.6 lbs away from having lost 10 lbs in 1 month.  That is exciting!  I really hope to reach that 10 lb mark this week.  I am excited that I've lost a bit over 30 lbs from my highest weight!

Somehow I managed to get exactly 43/43 Fitpoints in this week.  I got a new Leslie Sansone vide (more on that in another post) and really like it so far.

Here's to a good week ahead!

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:  -0.8 lbs     Total:  -30.6 lbs. 

HW: 297.0
SW1: 285.4
SW2: 275.2
CW:  266.4

Exercise:  Saturday ~30 minutes
                  Sunday ~  45 minutes
                  Monday ~
                  Tuesday ~ 45 minutes
                  Wednesday ~ 45 minutes
                  Thursday ~ 15 minutes
                   Friday ~ 60 minutes

                   TOTAL:  240 minutes =   43/43 Fitpoints



  1. That is amazing! Keep up the good work! I need to lose a bit following vacation but we shall see!

  2. A loss is a loss! Mine was small this week... But down is the right direction! Good luck this week, you're doing AMAZING!


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