
Monday, April 9, 2018

Happy 40th Birthday to Me!!

Image result for happy 40th birthday

OK, so today is NOT my birthday...

In fact, I completely skipped over it during my blog break.

Never-the-less, I did turn 40 years old on March 24th!


That is NOT a typo!  40 :)

I don't know what I was worried about.  I had a great day!

The first thing I did was go to a Weight Watchers meeting.  I mentioned on my Saturday Weigh-in that I upped my membership from Online Only to Meeting and Online.  That was my birthday present to myself.  I'll share more about my Weight Watchers experiences in future posts.

The rest of the day was spent with family doing family things.  I love those kind of days.  Everyone was home and we got to hang out and have quality time.  Doug even chose not to work overtime that day.  That in itself was such a sweet thing and a great present!

So, overall, being 40 has been great so far.  I do still have goals and things I want to achieve, but I don't feel like I have a time crunch.  I can relax, work hard and enjoy myself.
It is going to be a great decade!



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