
Friday, March 9, 2018

Tea Time ~ Scholarships and Spring Training ~ 3/9/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~The Hubby and I spent Saturday morning sorting through and cleaning our bedroom and Family room.  Things accumulate so quickly!  We cleared the tops of our dressers, changed the bedding and I swept the floors.  Now to do it all again tomorrow :)

~We had another Family Movie Night and rented the movie "Coco" from the Redbox.  I wasn't really all that into it but the family liked it well enough.  It seemed very similar to "The Book of Life" for me to get into it.  Now, I do really want to see "Ferdinand"!  It looks so good :)

~The girls are learning how to cook.  Slowly but surely, one-at-a-time, I'm teaching them how to make different meals.  Kaylee is now proficient at making Ham Pot Pie.  She isn't to the point of making homemade noodles, but for now bow-tie noodles will do :)

~Laken decided that she wants to learn to crochet!  We had our first lesson this week.  We started with how to hold the yarn and I tell you when I tried to show her, I really had to think about it.  I'm so used to just picking it up and holding it that when I tried to explain to her it was harder than I thought!  Next, we went on to a simple chain.  She spent a few happy hours making chain after chain :)

~Kaylee brought home some scholarship papers.  I can't believe everything is coming up so quickly!  Now, she will have to take the time to sit down and write the essays that are required to be considered for the scholarships that she qualifies for.  My baby girl is growing up!

~I watched the PIRATES play yesterday!  And they won!  Whoohooo!  That means it is Spring Training time.  That means that it is almost SPRING!

~Speaking of SPRING:  Don't forget to SPRING the clocks forward Saturday night before you go to bed!  I'm so excited to be getting longer evenings.  Now if the weather would just cooperate...

How was your week?
Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. Hi Colletta, I found your link on the Friday Fave Five page. First, I love the teacup at the top of your post. I like to drink tea from a cup and saucer. I've heard so much about Coco, and thought maybe it's a movie my grandchildren would enjoy. Ferdinand looks good, too! Your daughter's have such pretty names. I'm counting down to baseball season, too. We're big Rockies fans! Enjoy your weekend:)

  2. Teaching your daughters to cook is a wonderful thing! Hope Kaylee gets some scholarships for school. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Congratulations on your daughter's looking at scholarships!!! When our son was in his junior year, we were looking at colleges and towards July 1st, when coaches could contact him about coming to pole vault for them. Graduation from high school is such an achievement ~ excited for your oldest daughter!!! Just stopping by from Mary's The Boondocks Blog and the Sweet Inspiration party.

    Have a great rest of your weekend,
    Barb :)
    *My blog is French Ethereal, if you'd like to stop over. <3

  4. All the best with teaching your daughters to cook and to crochet. I remember teaching my 2 sons to knit many years ago. Last year some time I taught my son (15) to make a granny square, he gave up half way through the square! Cathy x

  5. Sounds like a productive week for you! I can relate to teaching someone something that you just take for granted! It's great that they want to learn to cook, too. That's an invaluable trait to have.

  6. Sounds like a busy week but great for the girls wanting to cook and crochet. Our clocks don't change until the end of the month - can't wait for more daylight!

  7. I am late visiting for FFF this week! That is great that the girls want to learn to cook. Wow, time for scholarships already. Sometimes I wish I had learned to crochet. I have fond memories of my grandmother always working on a crochet project. Yay for spring!

  8. Thanks for sharing your life with us☺️


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