
Friday, March 2, 2018

Tea Time ~ Mammograms and Dr. Seuss ~ 3/2/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~It is officially my BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!  I love turning the calendar over to March.  This is a big year for me.  4-0 !!!  I'm excited!  To celebrate, I got a manicure with my favorite turquoise polish :)

~I got the result of my annual mammogram in the mail.  I'm glad to say that I'm good to go for another year!  Everything looks good :)

~I also received the results of my annual bloodwork.  Everything came back good except for my Vitamin D.  Even though I take 2,000 units a day, I just can't seem to get my numbers to come up.  My doctor is prescribing and additional 50,000 units per week.  Hopefully that will do the trick...

~The Subaru once again has low beams!  Both low beams blew out within days of each other.  The thing with our Subaru is that it isn't a simple bulb change.  Basically, the whole front has to be taken apart to get to the bulb.  I called the little garage we go to and they were able to schedule us to bring the car in on Monday afternoon.  I'm glad to not have to give people high beams anymore!

~Saturday evening we had a Family Movie Night!  We stopped by the Redbox and rented "Wonder" and "Daddy's Home 2".  "Wonder" was wonderful!  "Daddy's Home 2" was hilarious!  Hopefully, I'll write up a Movie Review for each soon.  We had a nice time together complete with M&M's.  The Dollar General was all out of Twizzlers!  Can you believe that???

~Mom and Laken made Chocolate Chip Cookies Tuesday evening.  Yummmmm....

~We had a Senior Parent Meeting last evening.  I can't believe Kaylee is graduating.  In a way, I can't wait for it to be over.  We were handed a whole list of things that are going on in the next few months.  It is a little bit overwhelming.  Senior pictures, senior trip, baccalaureate, due dates, etc.  So much!  It is no wonder Kaylee is feeling overwhelmed also.

~It is Dr. Seuss Week for Laken.  She's had fun participating in the themes for the days.  Her favorite so far was Thursday.  They were to dress as what they want to be when they grow up.  Laken wants to own a bakery, so her costume consisted of an apron and the Chocolate Chip Cookies mentioned above!

How was your week?
Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. Well happy birthday! Sounds like you had a good week and the all clear on the mammogram and bloodwork must have been a relief. Even when you feel everything is ok it's still reassuring to get the results. We celebrate World Book Day on March 1st here in the UK and the kids will dress up as a book character but we've had a blast of snow this week and many schools were closed.

  2. Happy Birthday! I'll be turning 55 next month. I have a subaru and those low beams go all the time! I can't tell you how many times we've had to replace them.

  3. Happy Birthday! I loved it when my daughters were seniors ( one is 24 now and the other a freshman in college). There were so many great moments to embrace all throughout senior year! senior prom, yearbook, clubs, college choices, fafsa.....ok not that!! 😜 Embrace the time! It goes by so fast!!!

    dr Seuss day! Loved when the girls were little and participated in all those school things. lakens career choice is awesome!

    I hope you have a great weekend....Wonder is on my want to see list but i wAit until movies come to Netflix usually.

  4. Happy early birthday! It's a blessing when all the medical stuff comes back clear. Odd abut the Vitamin D! Senior year is SO busy - fun but bittersweet in many ways, too. But a great milestone. I bet Dr. Seuss week was fun! And chocolate chip cookies are always a fave. Movie night sounds fun! Glad you got your low beams back!

  5. Good news on the blood work and mammogram!
    March is my birthday month, too! Isn't it fun to have a (almost) spring birthday?

  6. Happy birthday month. All that talk of the chocolate chip cookies is now making me crave them. Yummy. Movie night sounds like fun. We rented Wonder and really liked it.


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