
Friday, February 16, 2018

Tea Time ~ Raspberry Truffle and Reese Hearts ~ 2/16/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~We had a family night last weekend and went to Cracker Barrel!  I love Cracker Barrel!  Their mac-n-cheese is to die for :)

~We went Monday evening to get our taxes done!  The only reason this makes me smile is that we get a refund :)

~The hubby and I had our Valentine's Date on Saturday evening!  We actually went to see a movie all by ourselves.  We saw "Forever My Girl".  It was really sweet :)

~I colored my hair!  The color is called Raspberry Truffle :)

~The hubby got me a super sweet Valentine Card and Reese Hearts!  Love him and the Reese Hearts :)

How was your week?
Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. I love Cracker Barrel!! They have the best hashbrown casserole!

  2. Sounds like a good week especially with a tax refund! Have a good weekend.

  3. I love Cracker Barrel! My husband doesn't like it, unfortunately, but I have a friend I meet there for lunch sometimes. Getting taxes over with AND getting a refund are both worthy of celebration! Sounds like you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  4. Ooh, a tax refund, that's worth celebrating. Glad you went out for a meal and a film, it sounds like you had a great time. Sometimes we've gone out for a meal when the teens are at school / college, it seems nice in the daytime to go out. I suppose it feels more like a holiday too, enjoy the weekend, Cathy x

  5. Yay for tax refunds and date nights!!

    I've only been to Cracker Barrel once...we have a couple in our area but honestly, their food is SOOOOOOO heavy and old fashioned. I tend to be a vegetarian/vegan as is one daughter so we avoid places with all that high calorie food!! hahaa. I make my own mac and cheese :)

    have a lovely weekend!

  6. Getting a refund--the best news of the week! Maybe it's even better than candy :)
    We're not Cracker Barrel fans, but then, we don't have Cracker Barrel in our area. It's a good thing you don't live her :)

  7. A Valentine movie night with the hubby---so sweet!

  8. It sounds like a great week at your house!

  9. I hear so much about Cracker Barrel. I don't think we have them in Canada, not in Alberta anyway. I will have to make a point of looking for one our next trip into the States. A fresh hair color is always a great pick me up. And refunds are always a favorite. Sounds like Valentines was nice for you.


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