
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Journal Entry ~ 2/13/18

Today was a good day!

~I got Dex on the bus, took the girls to school and then hung out with Damon all day. 

~We all had our 6 month dental cleanings and check-ups at 3:30pm.  Doug was the only one that has to go back for dental work.  He has two filling that have chipped and need replaced.  The rest of us don't have to go back until August.

~Tonight was the Harvester's Meeting.  The Harvester's is the ladies group at our Church.  We meet on the second Tuesday of each month for a meal and a meeting.  The food is always wonderful and I am so full!

~I'm behind on my RTW Word reading.  I should take some time before bed to catch up.  I think I will do that.

~I have to fast tonight and in the morning.  Tomorrow I get my annual bloodwork and mammogram done.  My mammogram is scheduled for 9am.  I think I'll get the girls to school and go straight to the Diagnostic Center for my bloodwork before the mammogram.  I don't mind getting either one done.  I just hate waiting for results.  Even though I have no reason to really worry, I still do until I get the "OK".

~Doug and Kaylee are binge watching the show "Jericho".  I'm catching bits and pieces while I'm on the computer.  I might have to start at the beginning and catch up to them.  Right now I'm still trying to catch up on NCIS before starting to watch the new episodes.  I miss Tony and Ziva, but I am enjoying Quinn and Torres.

For now,


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