
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Hodgepodge ~ 2/21/18
Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:
1. Where do you go when you need some inspiration?
Why, to Blogland, of course!

 2. What's under your bed?
We have a handmade Captain's Bed, so there are drawers of "stuff" under our bed.

 3. Thursday, February 22nd is National Chili Day, National Margarita Day, and National Cook a Sweet Potato Day. Of the three which would you most like to celebrate? Is that likely?
Honestly, none of the above!  lol  I guess the only one I kinda like would be Sweet Potatoes.

 4. What are you 'snowed under' with right now?
Boxes.  Boxes.  Boxes.  Right now the Family Room is filled with boxes of the girls old keepsakes.  They really need to go through them and clear out some "stuff".

 5. Tell us three to five things that make you feel balanced?
~Diet Dr. Pepper
~Family Time
~Time alone with the Hubby

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

~Laken is feeling better, finally.  That 104* temperature really had me worried.  I'm still keeping her home from school today to let her recuperate one more day.

~Now Kaylee is starting to get a temperature.  It was 99.9* a bit ago.  Hopefully, she won't come down with the full-blown flu...

I'd love to return the visit!  Please leave a comment and a link!


  1. So glad Laken is doing better!

    I saw an idea that I think I'm going to use for my daughter's old school-work and that might help you clear some of those boxes: Take photos of it and then get rid of it. I suppose I might keep just a few things. ;-)

  2. OMG... I hope that your house is perfectly healthy soon. Enjoy your week.


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