
Monday, February 26, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/26/18

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather outside is::::

A beautiful, sunny 55*F today.  No snow in sight :)

On my breakfast plate:

Toast and Chocolate Milk
As I look around the house::::
~The girls are both in school!  Laken is finally better and back to her normal self.

~Stuff.  We were working on unpacking the few remaining boxes and things got taken out of boxes and are just laying on the coffee table, floor, etc.  Ughh...

~Laundry.  I put it off on Saturday and now I have to play catch-up.

On today's to do list::::

Read Thru the Word
Menu/Grocery List
Happening this week::::
Monday.... See above.
Tuesday...  Babysit Damon, groceries, exercise, RTW
Wednesday... Laundry, Schedule, Prayer Meeting, RTW
Thursday... Babysit Damon, RTW, Senior Parent Meeting
Friday...  Weigh-in, RTW, Family Dinner
Saturday...  Laundry, RTW, Movie Night
Sunday...  Church, RTW

Currently reading::::


I started reading The Pelican Bride by Beth White.  It is set in Louisiana in the early 1700's.  It has been a really long time since I've read a book in this time period.  I really can't even remember what it would have been.  So far, it is very interesting.

Side note, my puppy Kona decided to get the book off my bedside table and chew it.  Luckily, she only got the bottom corner and it is still able to be read.
On the TV::::

Daddy's Home Two

Listening to:

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Cheeseburgers, French Fries, Broccoli, Apples
Tuesday - Steak, Fried Potatoes, Corn, Peaches
Wednesday - Chicken, Augratins, peas, pears
Thursday - Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, green beans, fruit cocktail, dessert
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Breakfast
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

Maybellene by Polly Plum is the February BAMCAL on Ravelry.

Another great pattern by Polly Plum!

Picture From the Camera

 Nothing new this week.

Bible Verse/Devotional



  1. Added that book to my want to read list in Goodreads. Great song.
    Have a wonderful week

  2. Great song! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week!

  3. I just recently heard this one thanks to Florida Georgia Line's involvement. Thanks for linking up!


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