
Monday, February 19, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/19/18


Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

Laken is officially sick with Influenza A. 
Please keep her in your prayers as we fight against this fever.

The weather outside is::::

Last Thursday it was 60*F and then on Saturday it snowed, snowed, snowed.  There was nothing and then within a few short hours, we had 5 inches of snow.

On my breakfast plate:

Chocolate Chip Granola Bar
As I look around the house::::
~The girls!  No school today :)

~Laundry.  I put it off on Saturday and not I have to play catch-up.

On today's to do list::::

Read Thru the Word
Menu/Grocery List
Happening this week::::
Monday.... See above.
Tuesday...  Babysit Damon, groceries, exercise, RTW
Wednesday... Laundry, Schedule, Prayer Meeting, RTW
Thursday... Babysit Damon, RTW, Bills
Friday...  Weigh-in, RTW, Family Dinner
Saturday...  Laundry, RTW, Movie Night
Sunday...  Church, RTW

Currently reading::::


I'm still reading 7 Brides for 7 Texans.  I've enjoyed reading half of the brothers' stories so far.  I should have it read and reviewed for Thursday.
On the TV::::

NCIS - binge watching to try to get caught up to the current season

Forever My Girl


Listening to:

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Pork Chops, Buttered Noodles, green beans, peaches
Tuesday - Ham, Fried Potatoes, peas, oranges
Wednesday - Chili, Grilled Cheese
Thursday - Chicken and Rice, Cole Slaw, Pears, Texas Sheet Cake
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Breakfast
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

This is the Moogly 2018 Block #3 called Clown Car by Polly Plum.

I love Polly Plum Patterns!

Picture From the Camera



Bible Verse/Devotional



  1. Holiday fun with kids! Have a great time. Your book sounds interesting - can't wait to read your review. Cute name for that crochet pattern. Have a GREAT week.

  2. love your crochet square! I would love to be able to crochet, no matter how hard I try I just cant get the hang of it! Snow sound like so much fun! We have had a couple and I would really love one more before spring! However I don't for see us getting any! Hope you have a blessed week!

  3. Lots of snow for you ! Hoping the influenza does not hit the rest of the household - it is quite an ordeal.
    Have a great week

  4. Oh, wow! Lots of snow! We're getting the rain here today. Have added Laken to my prayer list and will be praying over all. Blessings! <3

  5. I've been enjoying Rhett's music myself! Thanks for linking up. :)

  6. That pattern looks gorgeous! I love the colors.

  7. Sorry to hear the flu found your household as well. Hope she has a speedy recovery and the rest of you stay healthy. That's lots of snow over there. Hope you have a warm and wonderful week!

  8. Your clown car looks lovely! I'm still working on mine - finding it fiddly!


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