
Friday, January 26, 2018

Tea Time ~ Movie Nights and Sloppy Kisses ~ 1/26/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

It has been a while since I shared a Tea Time, so I thought I'd better get back at it!

~I mentioned the other day that I've started babysitting my cousin's baby boy a few days a week.  His name is Damon and he is the sweetest little thing!  He has been so very good for me and is so pleasant.  So far, at least!  One of my favorite things about watching him is getting sloppy wet baby kisses :)

~Our new TV came!  It is so exciting to be able to sit on our couch and watch TV together as a family.  The girls have taken over the Family Room now that they can watch Netflix somewhere other than their rooms.  Next week:  cable :)

~Being that we know can sit and watch TV as a family, we had a Family Movie Night on Saturday complete with Twizzlers and M&M's.  We got three movies from the Redbox.  Dunkirk, The Dark Tower and The Mountain Between Us.  Have you seen any of these?  My favorite was The Mountain Between Us :)

~My cousin Steph's other little boy, Dex, who I've mentioned on the blog before lost his front tooth!  He wouldn't smile at me for anything until I figured out that it was because there was a tooth missing.  Such a cutie :)

~I'm very pleased to say that almost a month into the 2018 and I'm still caught up with my One Year Chronological Bible reading.  I'm in the Book of Job right now.  Not the happiest Book of the Bible, but at least I'm keeping on track :)

How was your week?
Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. Sounds like a good week although busy with your babysitting. Sloppy baby kisses are great. Family movie night sounds fun. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. oh we do Family Movie Nights often throughout the winter months but we tend to watch the classics....from the 1940s-1960s. So fun!! and we have Netflix so do the online streaming. We are thinking of getting rid of cable again just because no one really watches it!!

    how fun to babysit for a baby!! I miss my girls being little!!

    enjoy the weekend!!

  3. We haven't had a family movie night in a while, should do that again. My oldest son wanted to see Dunkirk. Not sure I could sit through it though. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I love family movie nights. My husband and I don't often watch movies with just the two of us, but he had been wanting to see Dunkirk, so we watched that last night. I didn't like the lack of dialogue at first but got into it before long. A bit of bad language that I didn't think they allowed in PG 13 movies. But I imagine that was probably the case in that situation. I got the book of The Mountain Between Us for Christmas and want to see the movie after I read it. A really good family movie we watched a while back was The Hundred-foot Journey.

    Kudos to you for keeping up with your Bible reading plan! It's such a blessing. I've just been reading straight through but at some point I want to try a chronological Bible.

  5. We've watched some brilliant Christian films at film night with a group of friends. Courageous, The Grace Card, Unconditional, Amazing Love - The Story of Hosea, Risen, War Room (amazing must see film), God's Not Dead 1 & 2 (are all good family films) and many more. Amazon list many of them but usually they have trailers on them advertising others.
    This is my one yr bible
    I'm guessing it may be out of print now. It's very good, you have 2 chpts in the old, part of a psalm and a verse or 2 of proverbs then a New testament chpt. Enjoy the weekend, Cathy x

  6. I haven't seen any of the movies, but I read The Mountain Between Us, and loved the story. We just started streaming Netflix, and I have so many movies and shows to catch up on!

  7. I have read through the One Year Chronological Bible twice now (full disclosure--I'm finishing up the second time through a little late; almost done) in the past two years.
    Your movie nights with the girls sound like fun!
    Sweet baby kisses are the best!


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