
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Hodgepodge ~ 1/24/18
Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:
1. January 24th is National Compliment Day. Is it easy or not so easy for you to accept a compliment? Share a recent compliment you've given or received.
It is not very easy for me to accept a compliment.  It just feels awkward.  A recent compliment I received was about something I baked.

 2. Ten little things you are loving right now.
~The hubby
~My parents
~Babysitting Damon
~Diet Dr. Pepper
~Movie Nights
~Date Nights

 3. Would people describe you as a positive person? Do you see yourself that way? I read here  a list/description of eight things positive people do differently-

Positive people find something to look forward to every day, they celebrate the small stuff, they're kind, they stay busy, accept responsibility for their actions, forgive themselves, know when to move on, and resist comparisons

Which action on the list would you say you do regularly? Which action could you add to your life to give you a more positive outlook? If you're a positive person, what's something you do regularly that's not on the list?
I don't know if I would consider myself a positive person.  I'm about half and half.  I love to celebrate the small stuff!  I could do better on forgiving myself.

 4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili...what's your pleasure on a cold winter's day?
Beef Stew with homemade rolls!

 5. The best part of my day is....
Picking up the girls from school and seeing my hubby pull in the driveway after work :)

 6.  Insert your own random thought here.

I've recently started babysitting my cousin's little boy, Damon, two days a week.  He is almost 6 months old and I'm loving the baby snuggles and sloppy wet kisses!

I'd love to return the visit!  Please leave a comment and a link!


  1. How nice that you have the opportunity to spend time with Damon. I love babies. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Good luck on the babysitting. I started watching a little girl a few months ago and she has gotten really fussy lately (she is 6 months old and starting to teethe) enough that my husband wants me to stop watching her but we need the money. And I totally agree beef stew with homemade rolls is the best! I made some a few weeks ago, after not making it for years, and it was so yummy; I need to add it to the menu again soon. Have a great rest of the week.

  3. My grandson will be six months old in a few days. Such a wonderful age! Enjoy those sloppy kisses : )

  4. beef stew with homemade rolls reminds me of one of my favorite meals at school. I love it that you feel like me that family is the best thing going and also love twizzlers made it on the list
    come see us at


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