
Monday, January 8, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 1/8/18

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather outside is::::

Absolutely freezing!  I mean really.  Negative temperatures can go away! 

On my breakfast plate:

Special K Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar
As I look around the house::::
Boxes, boxes and more boxes.

I've been trying to go through each load that we bring into the addition as we go, but there is just so much STUFF!

Our bedroom is pretty much situated.  The family room is getting there but we still need to move the couches in.

The girls are SO HAPPY to have their own rooms once again!  Kaylee (16) has been very responsible about setting up her room and organizing it and decluttering.  Laken (10) however, is happy to live in chaos.  We'll be "motivating" her this week and helping her come up with the best layout and organization.

On today's to do list::::

Read Thru the Word
Work 8am-2:30pm
Pick the girls up from school
Happening this week::::
Monday.... See above.
Tuesday...  Menu and grocery list, groceries, laundry, exercise, RTW
Wednesday... Work 8am-2:30pm, Prayer Meeting, RTW
Thursday... Off, laundry, organize boxes, RTW
Friday...  Work 8am-2:30pm, RTW
Saturday...  Laundry, RTW, Family Game Night
Sunday...  Church, RTW

Currently reading::::


I am so happy to be through with The Negotiator!  It just wasn't for me.

I'm also so happy to be reading The Goodbye Bride by Denise Hunter.  I've read the other two books in this series (our of order) and am really excited to be reading Zac's story.  So far, I'm really liking it :)
On the TV::::

Kids Baking Championship

Listening to:

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Fish, French Fries, Peas, Oranges
Tuesday - Vegetable Soup, Noodles, Apples
Wednesday - Beef Stew, Rolls, Peaches
Thursday - Ham, Buttered Potatoes, Green Beans, Pears
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Breakfast
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I've gotten 8 squares crocheted for the afghan to go in my bedroom using Redheart Ombre in Spearmint.  I love how the same yarn can make two squares that have different colors.  So easy!  I'm  really looking forward to seeing how they all come together.  I'm going to be making a total of either 70 or 80 squares for this afghan.  I'm still trying to decide whether to go 7X10 or 8X10.  What do you think?  Is bigger better?  My bed is King sized...

Picture From the Camera

Seeing my two pups, one old and one young, resting together made my heart smile :)  Kona is on the left and Lilah is on the right.

Bible Verse/Devotional



  1. Enjoyed reading your post this week. Sounds like a full and busy life and blessed in all. Enjoyed the video by Rend Collective, too. Saw them in concert at Winter Jam a few years ago, but haven't kept up with them. What a great song and video! Thanks for sharing! <3

  2. Glad you are getting all settled in your new house. Interesting how different the two colors are from the same yarn. Sweet photo of your dogs. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

  3. Have a great week! Love to follow your settling in the house.

  4. There is just something about settling into a new house, isn't it?
    Have a beautiful week, enjoy those beautiful doggies for me.

  5. Hi! Wow! You are so organised!

    I've got an old dog who looks just like your Lilah! So cute!

    Here is my Music Monday / Monday Movie lol

  6. We just got rid of our negative temperatures around here! It was 37 today and felt absolutely balmy! LOL The colors in your afghan are gorgeous! Have a blessed week.

  7. I've never heard that song before now, but I like the sound! Thanks for linking up!

  8. Its cold/freezing everywhere it seems!! That book looks interesting! Love Rend Collective!! Have a great week!

  9. I am guessing that the Sparks are: If God is all you have, then you have all you need." I agree!
    Thank you for adding your Sparks. This is so important. HUGS.


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