
Friday, January 12, 2018

Friendly Fill-ins ~ 1/12/18

1. I would like to ask   Jesus  why   He loves me ?  I know He does, but sometimes I don't understand why He would.  Maybe it is just my own insecurity.  Maybe it is because I know how much I mess up and don't feel worthy...  Maybe I just need reassurance sometimes.  Pretty deep, huh?

2. My favorite fast food restaurant is   Wendy's .  I love their burgers and fries.  Especially when they are paired with a Frosty :)

3. If I could go to any concert of someone still performing, it would be   Lady Antebellum .  I would actually have a REALLY hard time picking just one concert.  It has been so long since I've been to a concert that I'd love to go to just about any :) 

4. My Winter pastime is usually    reading and crocheting , because   they are very relaxing and can be done indoors where it is nice and cozy!



  1. I think Jesus loves us because God the Father does. Parents love their children, no matter what, and no matter how they hurt them. Love does that.
    Your answers are really good ones. I am happy you join us each week! Hugs!

  2. I love Wendy's burgers and fries too! I am trying to not eat fast food this year as one my goals, and yesterday (really stressful day) I really wanted a Wendy's single with cheese. LOL I didn't give in though. Hope you have a good weekend!

  3. Thank you for participating, great answers. You sound like a wonderful person, I am sure there is a lot about you to love. Wendy's is very good. I love to crochet too, do you go on ravelry for free patterns?
    Have a great weekend!


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