
Friday, December 8, 2017

Tea Time ~ Christmas Cards and Decorations ~ 12/8/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~The girls and I wrote out our Christmas Cards this week!  We started out with Laken picking out which card to give and I was writing the signature and address.  Pretty soon, Kaylee came out of her room (Shocker!) and wanted to help.  I ended up supervising and refereeing while Kaylee and Laken finished the cards.  I kinda wanted to do it myself, but I decided if they wanted to help, I wasn't going to hinder them :)

~The building inspector came on Monday to inspect the wiring.  While here, he also OK'd the drywall!  Now we only need the final inspection after all the little things are tweaked and finished before moving our things into the addition.  So excited :)

~Laken has a part in the Christmas Play at school.  She is Dolly Holiday and elf who is supposed to portray Dolly Parton's character.  She is all beside herself because she has to tell a boy elf "I will always love you"!  Too funny :)

~A package we ordered on Black Friday finally came!  We thought it had gotten lost because the tracking said it had been left by the front door but there was NO package to be found anywhere at ANY of the doors.  Last evening the UPS driver came to the door with not 1 BUT 2 packages!  Yay :)

~My Aunt Sherry always bakes goodies for our Wednesday Evening Bible Study at Church!  This week she made those little yummies with a pretzel, a Hershey Kiss and an M&M.  You know what I mean don't you?  Laken asked Aunt Sherry for the "recipe" and I laughed and laughed :)

How was your week?
Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. I love the fact your kids wanted to help with Christmas cards, although I do understand the "I wanted to do it myself" feeling! LOL Hope you Christmas season is blessed in many special ways this year.

  2. I had to laugh about your daughter not happy about telling the boy "I will always love you". Did she say he has cooties, too? :)
    Hurray for writing your Christmas cards this week. I haven't even thought about them since I am away from home this month.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. I have my cards but haven't addressed them yet. But that's next! Yay for the things getting done on the addition and packages arriving! Funny about the play and the angst about expressing love for a boy.

  4. That is so sweet that your kids helped with Christmas cards this year! I am trying to get my dear hubby to write his annual Christmas letter so we can get our cards out. Maybe this week that will happen. :) I wish your family a great Christmas season!

  5. That's so nice that your kids wanted to help with the Christmas cards! I had a busy week of doing Christmas activities with my niece and nephew!

  6. i think it's great your daughters wanted to help with the Xmas cards!
    i have NO idea what snack item you are talking about. please share!! we love M and M's in this house!! AND hershey kisses!!

  7. How nice that Christmas cards are a family event! The treat sounds awesome!

  8. Sounds like a great week! Nice to see the kids discovering the joys of 'snail mail' - thanks for sharing with Awesome Life Friday!


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