
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Saturday Weigh-In ~ 12/30/17 ~ LINKUP

My week started off great with exercise 2 days in a row.  After that it went downhill.  At least officially.  Technically, I have worked my butt off this week.  We have been going through boxes and moving furniture and going up and down steps like crazy.

I've been more conscience of my eating, at least after Christmas Day.  I've been trying to get back into my tracking groove and have been doing pretty well logging onto Weight Watchers Online and tracking my food intake as well as my exercise.

This past week has been all about starting to put healthy living practices into place so that I can kick off the new year strong and in full force.

I'm just getting warmed up :)

My week's stats:

Weigh-in: +3.5   Total:  -19 lbs.  (I'll update sometime Saturday morning)

Exercise:  Saturday:  2 miles ~ 27 minutes
                  Sunday:    3 miles ~ 40 minutes

              TOTAL:   5 miles ~ 67  minutes = 13/35 FitPoints


Whether you've got 100 (or more) pounds to lose or just 5.  Whether you've been weighing in for years or just starting.  Whether you do Weight Watchers or some other diet or exercise program.  Whether you are 65 or 25.  I'd love, love, love to have your support and friendship in this constant struggle which is weight loss/healthy living.
So please leave a comment with a link to your fitness/healthy living/weigh-in post and let us be each other's accountability.

Linking to:  Dare to Share, Saturday Sparks, Bouquet of Talent, Saturday Shuffle, Saturday Sharefest Sundays at Home, Sunday's Best, Dishing It and Digging It. Simple Sunday

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