
Monday, December 18, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/18/17


Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather outside is::::

We had some snow this past week that actually hung around for a few days.  Then it warmed up and the snow slowly melted all except for a tiny bit.

We were supposed to go Christmas Caroling after Church last night but it ended up raining and icy so we stayed in and had soup, rolls and cookies.

On my breakfast plate:

Special K Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar
As I look around the house::::
We have been spackling our finger off around here!  I actually have a spot rubbed raw on my finger from the way I was holding the "spackler".  But, now, the spackling is done and we get to paint!  So exciting!!!

On another front, the space we are living in right now is getting even more cramped with presents and snow gear.  I will be so glad when we get to spread out a bit more!

On today's to do list::::

Work 8am-2:30PM
Pick up the girls from school
Make Supper
Happening this week::::
Monday.... See above.
Tuesday...  Work 8am-2:30pm, menu and grocery list
Wednesday... Christmas Vacation Begins!!!!, Laken's Christmas Program, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday... Off, laundry, bake cookies, Kaylee's Christmas Program
Friday...  Off, Bake Cookies, Wrap presents
Saturday...  Family Christmas Get-together
Sunday...  Church Christmas Program

Currently reading::::


Have you ever read anything by Dee Henderson?  This will be my first and I'm super excited to read it because I have the whole "O'Malley" Series on my shelf.  All 6 of them!  As mentioned above, I'll be on Christmas break for 2 whole weeks and intend to spend my relaxation time reading the O'Malley stories.  I really hope I like them!  I'll let you know :)
On the TV::::

Holiday Baking Championship

Listening to:

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Ham Pot Pie, Green Beans, Apples
Tuesday - Chili, Rice, Oranges
Wednesday - Ham, Cheesy Potatoes, Peas, Peaches
Thursday - Salisbury Steak, Mac-n-Cheese, Broccli, Pears
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Family Christmas Luncheon
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I've been working on Laken Giant Ombre Granny Square when I have a few minutes.  I actually took a few pictures this week but didn't have a chance to load them on my computer.  If I get a chance sometime this week, I'll update the post.

Edited to add pictures:

Picture From the Camera

Kona and Laken enjoying some popcorn while watching TV.

Bible Verse/Devotional



  1. Your menus looks yummy!! Christmas vacation begins for me on Wednesday for me to at 4pm!!!! Have a great week!

  2. Enjoy your Christmas break. It sounds like you have filled it with fun activities. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. Glad to hear about all the exciting progress on your home. Hooray for painting. Hope you have a wonderful week and a very merry Christmas!

  4. Ham Pot Pie! oh that sounds delicious! have a great week!

  5. I haven't listened to Noel by Lauren Daigle before, and I like it a lot.

  6. I visited your blog and love the fact that you have a section with the books you read during the year. I mark off the ones I've read in an excel folder but haven't put them up by year. I think I'll try to note that for 2018.
    I want to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas!

  7. I have read Dee Henderson and I love her! I have read the first 2 in the Evie Blackwell cold case series. Looks like you won't have too much time to read this week! Busy, busy! Merry Christmas :)

  8. We might be painting over the Christmas / New Year's holiday. I don't know if that's still the plan. Good luck with yours. Come see what I'm reading

  9. love your picture so super cute a girl and her dog a picture full of love
    come see us at

  10. Thanks for introducing me to Daigle- what a voice!

    Thanks for linking up!

  11. I'm running a bit late while still recovering and not having a HHM this week is allowing me to play catch up. I hope you had a WONDERFUL Christmas and will see you in 2018.

  12. As you can see, I'm running a bit behind. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and am looking forward to catching up with you in the new year! Blessings!


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