The weather outside is::::
Around 40F.
Fairly seasonable.
Fairly seasonable.
On my breakfast plate:
Special K Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar
As I look around the house::::
The siding on the addition is up and painted. We're in the process of putting the insulation in. Then the wiring needs done. We've been looking at what type of flooring we want to install. Fun stuff...
On today's to do list::::
On today's to do list::::
Work 8am-2:30PM
Pick up the girls from school
Make Supper
Happening this week::::
Tuesday... Off, groceries, laundry, Ladies Meeting
Wednesday... Work 8am-2:30pm, schedule for next week, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday... Off, laundry, Senior Parent Meeting
Friday... Work 8am-2:30pm, Family Dinner
Saturday... Housework
Sunday... Church, Youth Group
Currently reading::::

I haven't read in WEEKS! I just haven't had the urge. I'm going to try to start this book and get back in the groove. No promises, though :)

I haven't read in WEEKS! I just haven't had the urge. I'm going to try to start this book and get back in the groove. No promises, though :)
On the TV::::
I've been watching Hallmark Christmas movies while crocheting. I really enjoyed Finding Father Christmas and the sequel, Engaging Father Christmas.
Listening to:
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken, pierogis, peas, oranges
Tuesday - Ladies Meeting Potluck
Wednesday - Ham, Au gratin potatoes, green beans, grapes
Thursday - Beef Stew, Biscuits, Birthday Cake
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Pork Chops, Fried Potatoes, corn, peaches
Sunday - Dinner at Church
What I am creating at the moment::::
I've been crocheting each day.
I'm working on a top-secret Christmas present for a special person. I don't think they read my blog and I could probably post a picture, but my luck it would backfire!
Bible Verse/Devotional
I've been crocheting each day.
I'm working on a top-secret Christmas present for a special person. I don't think they read my blog and I could probably post a picture, but my luck it would backfire!
Bible Verse/Devotional
We are writing these things so that you may fully share our joy.
1 John 1:4 NLT
Linking up to :What Are You Reading, Merry Monday, Modest Mom Monday, Art of Homemaking, Soul Survival, Good Morning Monday, Menu Plan Monday , Mommy Monday, Busy Monday, The Scoop, Homemaking Linkup, Music Monday