
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Teaser Tuesday ~ The Mark of the King ~ 10/10/17

My teaser for this week is from:

Paris, France
September 1719

There it was again.

Suddenly wide awake, Julianne covered her ears.  Straw crunched beneath her, needling her skin through the ticking as she inched away from the dark stone wall and closer to the warm body beside her.  The bedding, like the damp air forever clinging to her skin, reeked of wasted dumped into the creek beside the prison.  On the nights when it was not her turn to sleep by the wall, elbows and knees of bedfellows on either side jabbed her ribs and spine.  But it was the screaming that bothered Julianne the most.


Also linking up to:

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Wow. What a descriptive teaser. And such an awesome cover. I'd definitely keep reading.

    My TT from A Witchy Boxed Set

  2. Wow, what a horrible experience! I wonder what brought her there? Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “KEEP HER SAFE”

  3. Certainly pulls me in and I want to know more.

  4. Definitely would read on. Curious as to why and how she got to that point. And what will happen next. My Teaser


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