
Friday, October 6, 2017

Saturday Weigh-In ~ 10/7/17 ~ LINKUP

It figures that the week I want to talk about my exercise routine, I'd be totally off-schedule!

It happens.  But I've been trying to have the mindset of "persistence not perfection".

So, a NORMAL week for me would look like this:

My Weight Watchers goal is set at 35 FitPoints per week.  Therefore, that is what I strive to achieve.  That means I need to walk a little over 3 hours per week.

My exercise week starts on the weekend.  I'd like to get 1-2 small walks in over the Fri-Sun time period but that doesn't always happen.

The bulk of my exercise time is Monday-Thursday after work from 1pm-2pm.  (I'll talk about WHERE I walk in another post but you can see in my stats.)  If I make the time and effort to walk those four days for 1 hour, I get more than enough time in to earn my 35 FitPoints. 

That is the ideal.

Then there are weeks like this week.  I had doctor's appointments and other craziness going on and I didn't fit my walk in over the weekend or on Monday.  That left me 3 days.  3 days to try to fit it all in!  Big mistake!

I decided to up my walking time each of the 3 days to 80 minutes.  It went alright for Tuesday.  Wednesday, I was feeling it a bit by the time I finished.  Thursday morning I could barely walk!  I over-did it.

I didn't increase my speed, just my time.  I need to know my limitations and it seems that 60 minutes a day is my limit!  I know that now.

So, this was the first week in a while that I didn't quite hit my FitPoints goal.  I only made it to 30/35 FitPoints.  This bummed me out a bit but I knew I had to take Thursday off to recuperate.

I guess this wasn't such a bad week to tell you about my routine.  At least the "What Not to Do" part :)

Thankfully, it is a new week and I have a new set of 35 FitPoints to strive for.  Here's to a good exercise week!

What does your exercise routine look like?

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:  +1.0  Total:  -26.2 lbs.

                 Sat:   minutes
                 Sun:    minutes
                 Mon:    minutes
                 Tues:    80 minutes (Treadmill Planet Fitness)
                 Wed:     80 minutes (Treadmill Planet Fitness)
                 Thurs:    minutes (Treadmill Planet Fitness)
                  Fri:      minutes
              TOTAL:    160 minutes = 30/35 FitPoints

Notes:  We made fudge.  Peanut Butter Fudge that I couldn't stay out of no matter how disciplined I tried to be!  I fully attribute my 1 pound gain to the 3 pounds of fudge I ate :(  P.S.  That is just an estimate :)


Whether you've got 100 (or more) pounds to lose or just 5.  Whether you've been weighing in for years or just starting.  Whether you do Weight Watchers or some other diet or exercise program.  Whether you are 65 or 25.  I'd love, love, love to have your support and friendship in this constant struggle which is weight loss/healthy living.
So please leave a comment with a link to your fitness/healthy living/weigh-in post and let us be each other's accountability.

Linking to:  Dare to Share, Saturday Sparks, Bouquet of Talent, Saturday Shuffle, Saturday Sharefest Sundays at Home, Sunday's Best, Dishing It and Digging It

1 comment:

  1. Here is my post, FINALLY!

    And it's a fudge time of year! Those 26 lbs are awesome, don't let one discourage you! :)


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