
Monday, October 16, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 10/16/17


Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

I'm dealing with some Depression/Anxiety lately.  I've been to the doctor and am tweaking my meds.  I'd appreciate your prayers and good thoughts :)

The weather outside is::::

Well,  we had some fall-like weather for a few days but it is supposed to heat back up.  Crazy weather!

On my breakfast plate:

Special K Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar
As I look around the house::::
The hubby took vacation this week to have some good, solid time working on the addition.  Between him having the time and my Dad's expertise on building, I'm hoping a lot gets accomplished this week.  They're going to be working on the siding.  After that gets done, it is just the inside finishing.  I'm starting to see the light!  It is very faint, but I see it!  lol

The hubby also has made a rule that since my mother and I do all the cooking, the girls HAVE to do the dishes every night after supper or they don't get allowance.  It has been a rocky start...

On today's to do list::::

Work 8am-11am
Pick up the girls from school
Make Supper
WW tracking
Call vet for appt for puppy

Happening this week::::
Monday.... See above.
Tuesday...  Work 8am-1pm, exercise, laundry
Wednesday... Work 8am-1p,, exercise, schedule for next week, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday... Work8am-1pm, exercise, Menu and Grocery List
Friday...  Off Work, Weigh-in, exercise, Groceries, Family Movie Night!
Saturday...  Laundry, exercise, housework
Sunday...  Church, Exercise, Youth Group

Currently reading::::


I took a break from reading this week.  I just couldn't focus or settle on what book to read.  (See above about depression/anxiety).  I've gotten quite a few books to add to the shelf this week though and decided to pick on of them to read next.

I love Robin Lee Hatcher's writing but haven't read anything by her for a while.  I have this whole series, so I think this book is what I will try to read next.
On the TV::::

We finally had a Family Movie Night!  The hubby picked up Wonder Woman and the new Transformers movie from the Redbox after work on Friday.  Even though we went to see Wonder Woman in the theater, it was decided that we would watch it first.  It is very entertaining to see such a strong female lead.  Great movie, even if a bit cheesy now and then :)

Listening to:

I'm loving this song!

On the menu this week::::

Monday - BBQ Ribs, pierogis, corn, applesauce
Tuesday - Chicken, Stuffing, green beans, peaches
Wednesday - Pork Chops, alfredo noodles, peas, oranges
Thursday - Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, broccoli, pears
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Fish Fillets, homemade shells and cheese
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I actually picked up my crochet hook and yarn this weekend!  It has been a while.  I'm just working on some granny square blocks.  Something nice and easy and therapeutic.

Bible Verse/Devotional


Meet Kona Mae.  She's the one with the most fur :)



  1. I hope you manage to get your meds adjusted to solve the Depression/Anxiety issue. I also hope things go well on the building project. I've been curious about the Wonder Woman movie and should set a time to watch it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. Prayers for your depression Colletta. I think I'll check out a few of you link ups as well! Have a beautiful week my friend!

  3. So sorry to hear your battling with depression and anxiety! I know how it can effect your life on a personal level. Praying you can get your meds adjusted to what you need! Praying this week is better for you! Blessings!

  4. Prayers for your depression/anxiety. As someone who also suffers from this, I know where you are coming from. I hope you can find a solution sooner rather than later. I hope that your week goes smoothly!

  5. I hope you feel better soon. You stay so busy and that's always good. Your Kona Mae is so cute -looks like the family is enjoying the fur baby. Have a blessed day.

  6. Praying over your depression and anxiety. Nice family picture! Kona Mae is a cutie! :)

  7. I'm so sorry you're dealing with anxiety and depression, my 18 year old daughter suffers with it and it's so hard. Praying for you.

    Kona Mae is adorable. Hope you have a good week.

  8. Praying that the changes in your medication really help you. Kona Mae is so cute.

  9. Wonder Woman's such a good movie - I actually bought a copy! I also really like that Florida Georgia Line song, the most of any of theirs I've heard. Thanks for linking up, Colletta!

  10. Sorry you are suffering with Anxiety and Depression. I highly recommend Effexor, it is prescribed for both. I have taken it for years with no side effects.

  11. I'll keep you in my prayers - I hope the medication tweak does the trick. We really enjoyed Wonder Woman also and transformers - they made for a fun movie night. Keep your spirits up and have a GREAT week.

  12. I haven't seen either of the movies, but I know my grand-children enjoyed them both.

  13. Hope they get your medication worked out. Depression and anxiety are no fun. One thing I've found that helps me a lot is spending time outside, whether I feel like it or not. I think it has to do with the sunlight. I haven't seen either of those movies yet although my older son went to see Wonder Woman with a friend and said it was really good. Hope you are feeling better today and have a great rest of the week!


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