
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Teaser Tuesday ~ The Outlaw Takes a Bride ~ 9/19/17

My teaser for this week is from:

Early May 1885, Colorado Plains

Johnny Paynter slung his saddle over his chestnut gelding's back.  He and Reckless would work alone today, repairing the ranch's roundup pen.  Johnny didn't mind being up here at the line shack all alone--it was better than fighting for elbow room in the bunkhouse.  Especially when he was on the foreman's bad side.  Still, he couldn't help remembering that today should have been his day off.

Frantic hoofbeats pounded in the distance.  Johnny dropped the girth ring and walked around his horse to stare down the trail.  His friend Cam Combes was riding hard.


Also linking up to:

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Sounds interesting. It is a new book to me. I wonder what will happen next. Here are mine for the week. Happy reading!

  2. It has been a long while since I've read historical fiction, but the books set in the West are always intriguing. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “OUR SOULS AT NIGHT”

  3. Makes me think of my grandfather's bunkhouse.

    Great teaser. My teaser is from The Dream Thieves

  4. Good teaser! Makes me want to know what happens next. Would definitely consider reading further. My Teaser

  5. I love a good historical western. I'm off to find this one. I hope it's an enjoyable read for you.

  6. I don't read much historical fiction, but hoping this is a good one for you.


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