
Friday, August 25, 2017

Tea Time ~ Angels and Tennis ~ 8/25/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~Back to School Night was last Friday!  It was a great time of getting new schedules and seeing new classrooms and teachers.  The school did a wonderful job with organizing the evening and even had lots of prizes for the kids to try to win.  I could tell my girls were a bit excited to see their friends :)

~We had the 10th Annual Guardian Angel Picnic on Saturday!  Ten years of adults signing up to pray for students.  10 years of parents signing their student up to be prayed for.  It was a great time of fellowship and revealing who our angel was for last year.  I'm excited to see who my angel will be this year :)

~Tuesday was the First Day of School!  I could tell my kids were excited because they both went to bed early the night before :)  That never happens!  It is Kaylee's Senior year and Laken is in 5th grade.  I couldn't wait to pick them up from school and hear about their day :)

~Kaylee started Tennis practice on Monday!  It is really the ONLY sport she enjoys!  This year they had enough girls wanting to play to have a Girl's Team.  Whohoo!  No more playing against the boys :)

~I crushed my Fitness Points Goal for this week!  WW set my goal as 35 Fitness Points for the week and I had that many done by Tuesday!  So excited!  Come back tomorrow for my Saturday Weigh-In post :)

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. Hope your children have a good school year ahead!

  2. Lettie, Is that what you like to be called? I love the idea of having guardian prayer angels! Congratulations on crushing your fitness goal.

  3. What a cool idea to have guardian prayer angels! Glad your girls are excited for school. Sounds like your school year has started off wonderfully. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Have a happy school year ahead!!

  5. The Guardian Angel program sounds like such a wonderful idea! Hope this is a great year.

  6. What a great thing for students and adults that participate in the Guardian Angel program! Everything sounds like the school year is off to a great start

  7. The first day of school is always exciting! I'm glad your girls look forward to the year and seem to enjoy school.
    Hurray for the tennis team!
    The Guardian Angel program sounds like the Moms in Prayer group.

  8. It helps so much when the kids are excited about starting school! Love the prayer idea. I love the back-to-school nights. I wish Kaylee well on her tennis playing, and kudos to you for your fitness points!


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