
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Hodgepodge ~ 7/12/17
Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:



1. When was the last time you chatted with a neighbor? About what? (sharing that last bit is optional)

We live in the boondocks so we don't really have close neighbors.  However, if you count people in neighboring offices, then it would be today! :)  It was about me being sore from starting back to the gym...

 2. River, lake, ocean, or waterfall...which one are you most like and why?

I prefer lakes but I think I'm most like the ocean.  Sometimes calm; sometimes stormy!

 3. July 13 is National Delaware Day. Ever been to Delaware? Delaware is called 'the first state' because it was the first to declare independence from the British. What's your state's nickname and does that moniker make sense to you? If you were in charge, what nickname would you give your home state?

I've never been to Delaware.  My state is Pennsylvania and it is called the Keystone State.  It makes sense to me because it was the middle state when the country started.  I can't really think of anything else to nickname PA.

 4. What dish did you contribute to the last pot luck meal you attended? Do you have a go-to recipe for pot luck suppers?

I had a potluck last night and took mashed potatoes to go with the main dish:  Chicken.  My usual go-to is homemade mac-n-cheese.

 5. What is your number one tip for a brand new parent?

Teach them to sleep in their own bed and STICK TO IT!!!

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

Speaking of new parents...  My cousin (who is more like a sister) is getting ready to have her baby boy any day.  Her actual due date is August 2nd but she is measuring 3 weeks early.  I can't wait to hold little Damon and smell sweet baby smells :)

I'd love to return the visit!  Please leave a comment and a link!


  1. I enjoyed your answers...especially # 5...LOL! Benn through all that mess! :D

  2. Visiting from Hodge Podge -- love your answers!!


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