
Monday, July 10, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/10/17


Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather outside is::::

It has been hot and humid with some thundershowers thrown in the mix. 

On my breakfast plate:

Special K Cinnamon Pecan Cereal
As I look around the house::::
Well, I "feel" heat!  Having no AC is different for us.

On today's to do list::::

Bible reading
Blog writing/visiting
Atlanticus CAL
Girls' checkup

Happening this week::::
Monday.... Work 8am-1pm, Atlanticus CAL, Girls' Checkup.
Tuesday...  Work 8am-1pm, Laundry, Ross CAL starts, Ladies Meeting at Church.
Wednesday... Work 9am-2pm, Schedule for next week, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday... Work8am-1pm, Bills, Menu and Grocery List,
Friday...  Off work, Groceries, Laundry.
Saturday...  Weigh-in.

Currently reading::::


I was getting nowhere with desiring to read again this week.  Ughh!  I'm getting so behind on my Goodreads Challenge...

So, I decided to try a non-fiction read.

This is a book I had to have as soon as it was published...3 years ago.  It has been sitting on my shelf ever since.  I picked it up off the shelf last night and have been reading away :)
On the TV::::

Pirates Baseball
On the Radio:::

A mix of Country and KLOVE.
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Ham, Fried Potatoes
Tuesday - Baked Ravioli, Garlic Bread
Wednesday -  Pork Chops, Baked Potatoes
Thursday - Kielbasa, homemade fries
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I finished up Part 6 of Atlanticus this week but didn't even look at Part 7.  Part 8 comes out today so I'm falling a bit behind.

The Pippin Crochet Club on facebook is also starting the Ross CAL this week.  I think I'll wait until I'm finished with Atlanticus before starting Ross.


  1. Hope you have a good week, enjoy the CAL!

  2. Hope your AC situation is resolved soon. Have a great week!

  3. Your menu looks yummy!!! Have a great week!

  4. Oh no, this is no time of year for no AC. Ours went out over Memorial day weekend and it was horrible - sure hope you get yours fixed faster!

    Have a GREAT week.

  5. We've had lots of rain and thunderstorms this week too. Fortunately the AC is working just fine. I hope your nonfiction book hits the spot. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  6. Have a great week and hope the AC gets fixed soon.

  7. Oh my! We have window air conditioners. They struggle to keep up. I can't imagine not having them. May God make a way for you to get relief soon!
    I forgot my Goodreads challenge! I've got to go see where I stand!

    Visiting from Happy Homemaker Monday!
    Another Happy Homemaker
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  8. Your menu sounds yummy. I would love to see how your Atlanticus is coming along :)

    I hadn't yet heard of the Ross CAL, I'll have to check it out, or maybe not, I have so many projects lined up already hahah

  9. We don't have AC. We never have. Our temporary apartment has it but I can imagine myself feeling guilty for even considering using it.

    We're in the last few days in our current place. It seems like the work to move will never end. Come see what I'm reading when I'm not packing.


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