
Friday, June 2, 2017

Tea Time ~ Pirates and Parades ~ 6/2/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~Last Friday evening we took Kaylee, Laken and Dex to see "Pirates of the Caribbean ~ Dead Men Tell No Tales" at the theater.  We've seen all the "Pirates" movies and I was interested in seeing how they would bring Will Turner back from Davey Jones' Locker.  I was a bit worried that it would be too scary for Dex, but he loved it!  My favorite part of the movie was probably the last 2 minutes but I don't want to give anything away!  Have you seen the movie?  What did you think?

~Monday was the Memorial Day Parade in our little town.  Kaylee played in the band for the parade and the Memorial Day Ceremony.  After the parade, we went to my brother and SIL's for a picnic.  The weather was very ominous first thing in the morning but it turned out to be a beautiful day :)


~Kaylee made the paper as Athlete of the Month!  If you know Kaylee, you know that she's not extremely "sporty", but she loves tennis :)  I was really excited to see that she was chosen to be featured!

~Thursday was the last day of school for the girls!  I'm as excited as they are, if not more!  I'm looking forward to staying up late and sleeping in.  hehe.  I can't believe I now have a Senior and a Fifth Grader!  Time flies.  Here are some comparison pictures from the first day of the school year to the last day:

~Kaylee's boyfriend, Shawn, graduated last evening!  He is a great kid :)  As you can see, he was in the National Honor Society and was an officer in a few different clubs.  Congratulations, Shawn!  Way to go!!!!

What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. Looks like you and your family had a great week. Congrats to Kaylee (and her boyfriend). Happy Friday!

  2. A busy week! Congrats to your daughter.

  3. Great week! Congrats to Kaylee - what a great accomplishment. I can't believe school is out already. Now that my kids are grown I don't keep track.

    Happy Five on Friday!

  4. Congrats to your daughter for the tennis award!! and congrats to her good looking bf for making National Honor Society. My youngest will wear the cord and pin with pride on June 24. Yes, NYS graduates when it is officially summer. It's ridiculous and we hate it's because of the state exams (regents) that NO other state has to take. So useless. She is counting the days until she is officially a college freshman (22!!).

    I saw the first pirates movie and enjoyed it. the rest of the fam have seen them all.

    Happy Weekend and happy summer break to your kids!! But I"m so Dex your son?

  5. How fun for your daughter to be featured in the local paper! Tennis is a great life time sport.
    Hurray for school being out and congratulations to Shawn on all the honors at graduation.

  6. Loved the before and after photos of your babies. I hope you do that every year. They'll love it when they're grown up and remembering school days.

  7. Congratulations to your daughter on making athlete of the month. And how great that they feature that in the paper. Something to be saved for sure! Hubby and I are going to see Pirates this afternoon...with some mixed feelings. Loved the first one, hated the 2nd and 3rd, enjoyed the 4th. But I want to see how they finish off the series. I'm hoping it will lean more toward the style of the 1st and 4th and not the 2nd and 3rd. Congrats to the graduate too!

  8. I've seen 2, maybe 3 of the "Pirates" movies. So glad your daughter was able to participate in the Memorial Day parade and got chosen as Athlete of the Month!

  9. Hi Coletta
    What a good family week - congratulations to your daughter. The before and after pics are great. Enjoy the weekend.
    Fil @ Fil’s Songs and Stories

  10. Looks like you had a busy and very fun week. Congrats to your daughter on being athlete of the week (and her boyfriend on his graduation).

  11. I can't wait to see Pirates of the Caribbean now! Have seen all the others in the cinema and think Jack Sparrow is my alter ego! haha

    beautiful photos, thanks for joining in with Five on Friday :)


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