
Friday, May 26, 2017

Tea Time ~ Cream Puff Cake and Atlanticus ~ 5/26/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~The hubby and I had a fishing date!  It was so good to spend some quality time alone.  To see more pictures and read more about our "date" click HERE :)


~Laken and Andrew got their bikes out the other evening.  They had a blast riding up and down the street.  I'm so glad that they are becoming best buddies :)

~I spent Tuesday morning cooking and baking.  I made Stuffed Shells and Cream Puff Cake.  The Cream Puff Cake is a recipe I got off my mother-in-law before she passed away.  For the recipe, click HERE :)
~I didn't get a picture of my toes, but I got a pedicure yesterday!  I needed a fresh coat of paint badly.   I picked "HOT PINK" for my color :)
~I finished Part One of the Atlanticus CAL!  I'm using colors from my stash but am really liking how it looks so far.  What do you think?

What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. I lived on my bike as a kid but can't remember the last time I rode one. Your crochet work is lovely.

  2. I loved riding my bike as a kid. Sadly my kids don't share that enthusiasm. This last week we have had a lot of pleasant moments with the end of the school year, Ben graduated preschool and yesterday was my hubby's birthday. Hope You have a great weekend!

  3. I rode a bike everywhere when I was a kid! Glad your kids are enjoying theirs and that you enjoyed a date with your hubby. Cram Puff cake sounds good!

  4. Looks like you really enjoyed your fishing date! I'm so glad the weather is warming up so we can enjoy things like fishing and being outside again.

  5. I'm not a fiaher(wo)man although I fished a lot when I was a child--I guess it's because my husband doesn't fish. But the date day was a great idea.
    We ride our bikes especially him -- he rode twice this week for a total of almost 20 miles.
    A pedicure--mmmmm.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Fishing date is such a cool idea.. I love the name of your blog.. it's so unique.. loads of thanks for visiting my blog... I'm following you, will you please follow me back?

  7. I love biking and when my girls were younger we would all ride as a family. In 2009 when my youngest was 10, we took the bikes and kayaks to Acadia national park in maine and had a week of biking, kayaking, hiking. LOVED it! i ride about once or twice a week now that i teach full time. I didnt know you have a son! i thought it was just two daughters. good to know they get along enough to have fun riding together!!

    wow that looks like quite a cake! i no longer eat refined sugars but im guessing it tastes great!

    happy long weekend!

  8. Your crochet is fab - those colours are gorgeous. I've never heard of anyone going on a fishing date before but having read your post, I do get it and I hope you can have some more of them. It's so good to be able to be outside when the weather is good, whether fishing or biking. x

  9. the cake looks delicious and i love the colors of cour crochet.

  10. That cake looks so yummy Colletta! I want to learn to bake so bad!:)


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