
Monday, May 1, 2017

Miscellany Monday ~ Youth Teachers and Prayer Request ~ 5/1/17

This is the post where I write about
what is on my mind, in our lives or just plain randomness...
Doug (the hubby) and I recently volunteered to help with our Church Youth Group. 
Kaylee is in the Senior Youth Group and Laken is in the Junior Youth Group so it just made sense for us to help out however we could.
We were recently asked (yesterday) if we would like to teach the Junior Youth Group class every other Sunday evening and lead games that night also.  We had already discussed between ourselves this possibility and were willing to say yes!
There is no set curriculum per se, so I am now in the position of having to come up with lessons.
This is where I need some help.
First, I like to ask for your prayers that we be fully committed to teaching these children. 
Second, I need some IDEAS!!!!
Do you have any go-to sites for Bible lessons, crafts or games that would be appropriate for kids ages 5-10?

I'd appreciate any help you can give :)


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