
Monday, May 8, 2017

Miscellany Monday ~ Addition Before Picture ~ 5/8/17

This is the post where I write about
what is on my mind, in our lives or just plain randomness...
I've mentioned here on the blog that we have moved in with my parents and are going to build an addition on the back of the house for more living space.
Right now, the girls are sharing a small bedroom and the hubby and I are in my old, small bedroom.  Almost all of our belonging are currently in boxes in storage.
We're very excited that the Township and County permits were approved and are paid for.  This includes all the many, many inspections that will have to take place.
I thought I would take a "before" picture of the area where we'll be building.  (My Mom is calling it the "West Wing" lol).
This is the back of the house where we currently have the dog pen.

We'll be building on a 30 X 15 addition that will include a Family Room and a Bedroom for me and Doug.

The excavator was here 2 weeks ago to take a look at the area and give us an estimate.  At the time, he gave us a timeline of 2 weeks but we haven't heard back from him yet. 

I'm so very excited to get started.  In fact, my Dad took the chain saw to those hemlock bushes just today.  It is already starting to look different!

Stay tuned for more updates :)


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