
Friday, April 28, 2017

Tea Time ~ A Wedding and Great Wolf ~ 4/28/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


I took about a 2 month Blogging Break.  Lots of great things have happened over that time period.  Here are some of the highlights: 
~BIG NEWS!!!!!! My brother got MARRIED!  It was a VERY fast courtship of about 2 months.  I'm totally in love with my new SISTER-in-law, Kelly and her son - MY NEPHEW - Andrew.  I am over-the-moon happy for them both and super excited to finally be an official AUNT!!!

Kelly, Dan and Andrew

~Laken was asked to go along on Dan and Kelly's "honeymoon" to keep Andrew company.  They went to Great Wolf Lodge in Virginia.  Laken was so excited to go and although she called me every morning and every night, I don't think she missed me a lick!  She was having too much fun :)

~More on this later, but our Building Permits were approved for the addition!  Now the work begins...  Mom is calling it the "West Wing"  :)

~We had a fairly low-key, laid back Easter!  Kaylee, Laken and Andrew colored eggs on Saturday.  On Sunday we hade Church and Easter Dinner afterward.  At 2pm the Lions Club had an Egg Hunt for the community kids.  Kaylee was too old to participate but I think she was OK with that.  Laken and Andrew had fun trying to find the "prize" eggs.

~My 39th birthday has come and gone.  I'm officially in the last year of my 30's!  I, of course, celebrate for the entire month of March but on my actual birth"day", the family took my out to dinner at Cracker Barrel.  Love my Family :)

What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. Congrats to your brother and his new wife and child! What a lovely addition to the family. Sounds like they had a wonderful time.

    Thanks for sharing your Five on Friday

  2. It's always such happiness to find one's soul mate, congratulaion to the new couple and all of you!

  3. After two months of break - so much is happened...and the time flow so fast -
    Looks like a lot of fun and unforgetabilities (sorry, I can it not better say in English)
    Enjoy your weekend

  4. Congrats to your brother! I wondered what had happened to you, glad it is all good news. Happy belated birthday as well!

  5. Sounds like you had lots of celebrations during your blogging break.

  6. Lots of happy moments recorded here. Congratulations to your brother and how lovely to have an extended family! Glad you had a good birthday celebration. May is my birthday month so thinking about that makes me smile. Enjoy your weekend whatever you're doing.

  7. Congrats on your brother's wedding! They are so fun to celebrate! And happy late birthday!

  8. Having your brother get married was worth the blogging break! Congrats to them!
    Happy Birthday to you--you're growing up :)

  9. It sounds like your family has a lot to celebrate! Congrats to all! Happy birthday to you:)

  10. Congratulations to your brother! They all look very happy! Glad your daughter traveled well and had fun. Belated happy birthday! I love Cracker Barrel but unfortunately my family doesn't. But I get take-out lunch there sometimes and peruse their shop.

    barbarah06 (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Oops - I put my email instead of my blog link:

    2. I love looking around the shop!

  11. Glad to see you back blogging!! Congrats to your brother and Happy belated birthday! :-)

  12. Sounds like you have had lots of fun filled family times with events that will linger in your memories and you've gained an extended family too:)

  13. Congrats to your brother and how fun for your daughter to be included in the "honeymoon"! wow!!bringing children!!

    And Happy Belated birthday to YOU!! I will never forget the last year of my 30s because 2 weeks after turning 39 I gave birth to my 2nd (and youngest) daughter who is now 18 and about to graduate from hs in another 8 weeks or so.

    Sounds like Easter was loads of fun for you all.
    happy weekend

  14. Congratulations to your brother. glad you had a lovely Easter. Enjoy the weekend. Cathy x

  15. I'm glad you had a good birthday month. It sounds like you have been a busy family over the last couple of months, making good memories.


  16. Congratulations! So much to celebrate!

  17. Great to see you have your blogging mojo back, What a great Five on Friday post, thank you so much for participating, I apologise for being so late getting round to everyone's blogs, we had so much going on that I just didn't get a chance, I hope you understand. All the Best - Tricky


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