
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 4/24/17


Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

I'm just coming back after taking a blogging break.  I didn't set a "come-back" date.  I decided I would "know" when it was time to start blogging again.  I've missed posting and visiting and am glad to be back!

The weather outside is::::

It is finally Spring and raining!

I think the threat of snow is over but watch, now that I've typed that, we will probably have a blizzard!

On my breakfast plate:
Toast and Diet Dr. Pepper :)
As I look around the house::::
I have a pile of laundry to do.

That reminds me, I better go check the washer...

On today's to do list::::

Bible reading
Blog writing/visiting
Kaylee's Tennis Match
Happening this week::::
Tuesday...  Clean, laundry, Tennis Match, Walk.
Wednesday... Menu and Grocery List, Schedule for next week, Prayer Meeting, Walk.
Thursday... Groceries, Tennis Match
Friday....Laundry, Walk

Currently reading::::


I took a reading break also, but have just picked up the above book to start reading.  I'm in the mood for some Farmers' Markets.  How about you?
On the TV::::

The Voice
Pirates Baseball

On the Radio:::

I've been listening to a variety of music lately.  Mostly Country and KLOVE
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Tomato Soup
Tuesday - Kielbasa, Homemade French Fries, Peas, Apples
Wednesday -  Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli, Oranges
Thursday - Chicken and Rice, Green Beans, Grapes
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Ham Pot Pie
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I've kinda been taking a crochet break also...

I have been occasionally working on Kaylee's Afghan, a Giant Granny Square.

Here's the last picture I took of it.  It is a LOT larger now.  I only have 5 more rounds to go and then to tie in the ends.

From the Camera:::
Nothing this week :( 
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

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