
Friday, January 13, 2017

Tea Time ~ Sunset Beach and Latch-hook ~ 1/13/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~I read my first book of the New Year!  It was LFYI Sunset Beach Hawaii by Robin Jones Gunn :)

~We watched BFG this past weekend!  It had some laugh-out-loud moments :)

~Laken got a latch-hook kit for Christmas!  It was fun watching her learn how to handle the hook on her snow day :)

~I got my 5% Charm at Weight Watchers!  I was so excited :)

~I've had some participants sign up for the Color Swap!  Click HERE to read more and join in  :)

 What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. Congratulations on your charm! Well done you!!

  2. I've never done a latch-hook before, but it looks like fun! And congrats on your are on your way!

    Here's my Friendship Friday post!

  3. How fun to get a latchhook kit! my daughters both went through a phase where they loved doing that, back when they were around 3rd-5th grade. i still use one of the pot holders!

    Congrats on your WW charm.

    What is BFG?

    I wrote my first pen pal letter to the woman you partnered me with. I cant wait to get one back!!
    (Im assuming this has begun?)

  4. I remember doing latchhook as a kid. I may have to visit a craft store to try to relive my youth. Congrats on your charm!

  5. Reading, television, crafting - all good things for January. I remember doing a latch hook project as a child, too. Of an owl, I think. Happy Weekend!

  6. Congratulations on your weight watchers charm, a great achievement. I have spent the past week looking at houses on the website as we are in the process of moving. We are looking on it as the start to a wonderful adventure.

  7. What a fun week! Congrats on your charm.

    Happy Five on Friday!

  8. hopped in from Amy's 5 on Friday. will be looking around and finding out about color swap. looking forward to getting to know you.

  9. Well done on getting your 5% charm. Not an easy thing especially at Christmas.

  10. Congratulations on your 5% charm! It's been ages since I've done latch-hook - glad your daughter is giving it a try! We haven't seen BFG - maybe someday. Glad to hear it's good!

  11. My daughters had latch hook kits many years ago. Thinking that may be something to do with the grandlittles. Also, congrats on your 5% charm.

  12. Congrats on earning your charm! I used to do latch hook as a young teen. I'm sure your daughter will have many happy hours creating. I've wondered about BFG.

  13. I always wanted to learn to hook a rug--maybe one of these years. I hope your daughter enjoys it and keeps on learning.
    Hurray on finishing your first book for 2017!

  14. Congratulations! I didn't know Weight Watchers gave charms, but what a great idea. Well done.


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