
Friday, January 27, 2017

Tea Time ~ Report Cards and Stationary ~ 1/27/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


I usually write this post and have it ready to go by Thursday evening.  Last night I just wasn't feeling it!  I was blah and "bloomy" (blue and gloomy mixed).  I feel a bit better after a good night's sleep and even though I almost skipped posting my 5 smiles, I felt that I needed to think happy thoughts to get the day started off on the right foot.  So here we go:

~I've been sick since the first of January but finally went to the doctor last week and got and inhaler and an antibiotic.  I can honestly say I am feeling much better!  Here's to some good meds :)

~It snowed this week.  Big, fluffy, sticky snowflakes.  It was beautiful!  Laken had a lot of fun out making a "snowgirl".  It was a beautiful drive to school the next morning :)

~The girls got their report cards this week.  I was a bit leery to see their grades because they've missed so much school this winter due to illness.  We just keep passing it back and forth to each other.  However, they both got all A's!  One proud mama here :)

~We had 67 people sign up for the Pen Pal endeavor.  I hope that everyone has made contact with their new pen pal.  I have and it is so much fun!  I made a special trip to Staples looking for some pretty Stationary.  I couldn't find anything I like anywhere else.  I also got some cute stickers!  I love stationary!

~Sign-ups for the Favorite Color Swap are still open.  Come help me celebrate my 39th Birthday!  Click HERE to read more and join in  :)

 What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. The Pen Pal endeavor sounds like so much fun! I couldn't find a link so I'm assuming it's closed? Sorry to have missed it.

  2. Glad that you are on your way to feeling better! I'm smiling this week because I'm thankful for our family and God's work in each individual heart.

  3. What pretty stickers.
    I love the way your road is clear even though it's been snowing. Over here it would be slushy and slippery and awful to drive on. But yours looks really pretty!

  4. Hi there, Well, I can relate. I have been sick all month, too. But, finally I feel some better. I just feel like i wasted so much time and goodness knows, I don't have a ton of that. But, it is what it is. Glad you are feeling better. And, Yay for the good report cards!

  5. Congratulations to your girls! The snowy road looks very beautiful. Hope you continue to feel better and have a good week.

  6. Colds don't go away these days, the virus are so tough! Glad you are feeling better, still rest and take it easy! You have a tremendous amount of snow! Looks beautiful.

  7. Lots of good things here today to smile about. Glad you are feeling better and yippee for good grades. The pen pal endeavor sounds great. Brings back memories...
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. I have a cup of hot tea!

    Enjoying that along with viewing that beautiful snowy scene [altho I'd prefer the balmy winters here in South Texas]. Anyway.....


  9. my husband and i missed three days of work this week due to an ice storm and then getting the flu!! ugh.....this upper respiratory virus has been downright nasty. i am wiped. i'm glad you are feeling better. i was checked for strep and it was negative so no antibiotics for me.

    what a pretty snow pic!

    congrats to your daughters on their report cards! and i hope all the sick bugs are gone from,your home!

    happy weekend!

  10. Congratulations to your daughters on the grades, how great is that! I hope that you are much better again soon, take care of yourself, especially in all of that snow. I am sad now that I wasn't able to take part in the pen pal endeavour, but it is great that so many people have joined you! I am very pleased for you.

  11. Your snow is beautiful. Glad you are feeling better!!

  12. Wonderful week! Hope this is the last you'll see of the sickness. Great grades for your girls - always nice to receive good report cards.

    Happy Five on Friday!

  13. Congrats to your daughters and get well soon for you - the flu in this years seems especially bad and long, I was sick for a long time too. The color swap is a great idea, but I cannot pay the shipping costs :-( , better not to sign in...
    The first, was make me smile every morning is my cat.
    Have a good weekend

  14. Wow, your snow is beautiful! I have been waiting snow comes in my area for two years.
    i hope you are feeling much better.Have a good weekend.

  15. I am glad your feeling better. I had a cold too for a couple of weeks and then pink eye. It's is finally gone. Don't know where the heck I got that! Never got it when teaching preschool now I get it. Weird.
    I loved signing up for the pen pal! I've sent two cards. It's fun.
    I can't wait for the swap! I signed up for that too! Feel free to come over and link the swap announcement or your posts at the Fabulous Party over at my blog. Here's this weeks link:
    The link changes on Sunday!

  16. Well done on the report cards. You look like you have had some serious snow. Wonderful. Glad you are feeling better. B x

  17. The FFF is a big help with less that ideal weeks. Sometimes it is even more valuable to me then than when it's a great week overflowing with good things.

    I'm sorry you've been sick! Seems like there is something going around all over. Glad to hear you're turning a corner.

    That snow is beautiful, but I'm glad I don't live where we get it much. :-)

    Good work and congratulations to your daughters on their report cards!

  18. The snow looks fabulous, especially as the roads seem to be clear. the penpal swap is such a great idea - I used to love my penpals at school and I feel that blogging is a bit like that - lovely to meet you here :)
    Fil Campbell

  19. Glad you're feeling better. Why is it we resist going to the doctor. I wrote to my PenPal, but haven't heard back yet.

  20. Such a great post, Colletta, and I am so glad you are feeling better. I love your winter photo, how gorgeous! You have a very nice blog, thank you so much for sharing, and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  21. Such a great post, Colletta, and I am so glad you are feeling better. I love your winter photo, how gorgeous! You have a very nice blog, thank you so much for sharing, and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  22. Hope you all feel better soon, Colletta. The colds/flu going around this winter seem to linger for a long time. The snowy drive is a very pretty way to begin the day.

  23. your snowy roads make me long for cooler weather. Family makes me smile...seeing them soon.

  24. That snow is beautiful! We haven't gotten much here this year yet!

  25. That picture is absolutely beautiful! Hope you are feeling even better that the weekend is over.

  26. So glad you are on the mend! And I miss the snow, but only for a short time:) Glad to see you back and enjoyed your update...congrats to great grades!

  27. Oh gosh we have had the sickness in our house too. My husband has had it for about a month. I've just had the sinus issues, but haven't been coughing like him. Glad you went to the Dr. and got some help. looks cold there! It's cold here too, but our snow has melted. I don't miss it!


  28. Hooray for feeling better, a beautiful snowfall, and great report cards! Have a fantastic upcoming weekend! - Brenda //


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