
Friday, January 6, 2017

Tea Time ~ Pie Face and Color Swap ~ 1/6/17

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~Happy New Year!  And Happy New Calendar :)

~The girls received Pie Face as a gift this Christmas!  It was hilarious and the hubby was a good sport :)

 ~The 2017 BAMCAL (Block-a-Month Crochet-a-Long) started on January 1st!  I was so excited to start crocheting with my new BAMCAL colors :)

~It snowed this past weekend!  I'm still like a little kid when I wake up and the world is white with snow :)

~I've decided to host a Favorite Color Swap to celebrate my 39th birthday coming soon!  Click HERE to read more and join in  :)

 What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. no snow for us here in eastern NY but we did see some light flurries late last njght! very cold though!!

    ive seen that game on social media and it appears to be all the rage with the families of younger!!

    have a great week!

  2. no snow for us here in eastern NY but we did see some light flurries late last njght! very cold though!!

    ive seen that game on social media and it appears to be all the rage with the families of younger!!

    have a great week!

  3. Family time made me smile this week. Over the weekend the college guy was home with his fiance for Pictionary and fun. Tonight we celebrate oldest son's birthday!

  4. I'm glad you like snow..I am so not looking forward to having snow where we live because we usually lose power for many hours to a couple days and that means no running water, heat, or electricity. #FreshMarketFriday

  5. We had some snow Wednesday evening and it certainly made my kids smile. Your color swap looks like a lot of fun! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  6. No snow here on the Eastern coast of England as yet. The BAMCAL looks like a lot of fun.

  7. We just got snow this morning. I don't quite like it like I did when I was young or when my kids were little. :-) We live in the South, where they're not always equipped for it or knowledgeable about driving in it. New calendars made my list, too - one of my favorite small pleasures.

  8. One of the two Geranium plants I brought in for the winter has just started to bloom which has made me smile this week :) My kids got the game this past summer and thought it was great fun, too. I get excited by the snow, too...and enjoy it as long as I do not have to drive anywhere. I have been crocheting a bit and knitting a bit, too. Happy New Year! xx

  9. No snow for us here thankfully. I need to start a knitting or crochet project now. Expecting a Grandson in June so that will be the purpose of the project. Have a good weekend.

  10. Finding out my wrist was better made me smile this week.

  11. I've never heard of pie face. I miss so much by having no grandchildren.

  12. Happy New Year to you, too. No snow in Shropshire yet, so I am jealous. What made me smile this week was a small child wearing a gold crown at an Epiphany celebration who would allow only me to take her photograph because all the other camera-wielding adults were "too scary"! x

  13. We have snow...always do this time of year and it will probably last another three months. I am like a little kid when it snows, in December. After that, I'm over it! I'm ready for spring.
    Pie face haunts me!!! Just kidding, but my sister has it and she posted on social media that I refuse to play!! LOL! I don't want whipped cream all over my face! Have fun playing though.
    Happy New Year!

    Cindy Bee

  14. smiling as 46 days off school as our summer hols! Loving all the free time for knitting, stitching, writing, reading, scrapbooking and road trips!

  15. We get snow maybe once in 30 or 40 years :) My daughters on the east coast--one loves it, one hates it.
    The crochet a block a month sounds like a fun project--and you are done with your block on January 1st?
    Happy Weekend to you!

  16. We have had a ton of snow here. I usually love snow too, but I have to say that it can stop anytime now. That pie face game is just the sort of thing my kids would have loved when they were little.


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