
Monday, January 30, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 1/30/17

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.

I can't believe this is the last Happy Homemaker Monday post for January 2017!  Where has the month gone?  I can't say I'll be sad to turn the calendar to February :)

The weather outside is::::

Snowy!  and Cold!


On my breakfast plate:
As I look around the house::::
I think I mentioned before that we are now living at my Mom and Dad's house.  My mom is a very "tidy" person so there really isn't much that needs done.  Lucky me!  I do try to help out with the cooking and dishes and such but sometimes Mom beats me to it!

On today's to do list::::

Bible reading
Blog reading/visiting

Happening this week::::
Monday....I really need to go to the chiropractor!
Tuesday...  Clean, laundry, Cheer.
Wednesday... Menu and Grocery List, Schedule for next week, Cheer, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday....Laken's Birthday!!!, Groceries.
Friday....Laundry, Cheer
Saturday....Weight Watchers Meeting.

Currently reading::::


I just finished a cozy mystery so I thought next I'd go for a historical romance.  I've just started it so I'm still learning the character and getting a "feel" for the book.  I've enjoyed Karen Witemeyer's writing in the past and am looking forward to digging in to this book.

On the TV::::

Aurora Teagarden Mystery's on Hallmark M&M
Cupcake Wars

We also went to see "A Dog's Purpose". 
Be watching for a review soon!

On the Radio:::

This week for Songs on Sunday, I featured "Ever Be" by Aaron Shust.
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Taco Salad, apples
Tuesday - Chicken, cheesy potatoes, green beans, grapes
Wednesday -  Pot Roast with Carrots and Potatoes
Thursday - Potato soup with Ham, broccoli, oranges
Friday - Pizza burgers, apples
Saturday - Oatmeal, toast
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

After giving much thought to making Kaylee a temperature blanket for the year she was born, I decided it would end up being huge!

Instead, we decided that I would make her a Giant Granny Square Afghan using the colors and order that she picked out.  I took this picture yesterday, so I'm a bit farther along after working on it last night.

I'm also finished with a Cosy Stripe Afghan by Attic24 in Moorland inspired colors except for tying in the ends.  More on that at a later date :)

From the Camera:::

Squeeeellll!!!!  It is coming out just in time for my "Birthday Date"!
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::


  1. My current book is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite fairy tales. Come see my reading week here. Happy reading!

  2. What a beautiful afghan! My daughter has two blankets made by her aunt and great-grandmother and she adores both of them.

    Have a great week and enjoy your book!

  3. I so want to see a Dog's purpose, but am so afraid it will be sad too. Looks like a FUN read if you judge he book by its cover - can't wait to see what you think! Have a great week and I hope the chiropractor helps.

  4. I love the Aurora Teagarden movies, so much fun :) Your menu sounds yummy, and your crochet is so pretty :)

    Hope you have a great week.

  5. Full Steam Ahead looks like my kind of book. I hope you'll review it for us when you're done.

  6. Your snow shot is pretty! I am looking forward to that adaptation of "Beauty and the Beast" as well. I told Rebecca I want to take her to see it.

  7. Love the colors in your afghan. So pretty. I can't wait to see Beauty and the Beast too! I love Emma Watson and that's been a favorite story and Disney movie in the past.

    Blessings on your week. xoxo

  8. I love to crochet, but I had to look up what a temperature blanket was. What a great idea!
    Enjoy your reading this week and thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. Your Photo is SO beautiful! Frame worthy for sure. Great Job!

  10. That afghan looks warm and cuddly as I imagine the person you're making it for must be.

  11. Sounds like a wonderful week of happy homemaking! Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)


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